Chiron: The Archetype of the Wounded Healer

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consciousness is traumatic. this is DEEP. great teacher


“To help heal you, which helps heal me, which helps heal you, which helps heal me.”🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


What an intensely knowledgeable and wise young mind and heart. A great teacher, hugely underrated. Thank you Jessica, you are enormously talented and have a unique intelligence. The world needs great teachers like you.


As so many others have said, this is really an amazing presentation. I was simply looking for something on the mythology of Chiron, did not expect to run into this brilliance. The idea of the wounded healer I'd never really read or heard about before, yet it makes so much sense, especially as presented by Jessica. I'll be watching this again, and sharing with my class. Thank you!


Here in 2024, and this message is so profound, STILL!


Passionate presentation from a young academic with a lot of potential.


What a treasure this is. Thank you so much, from the heart and the wound.


Grateful to have been guided here as everything happens for reason and not coincidence. Such a beautiful educational resonance for one to capture in this moment, you’re a wonderful teacher might I add, your delivery is inimitable.

Thank you,


I don't know how i got here but i'm glad I did. Powerful video.


Jessica, it was an honor to witness your deep wound. I bow to you. Thank you for sharing that. It was beautiful.


Funny I find myself here today. Last night I read a quote by Rumi, "the wounded is the place where the Light enters you"


A living prayer embodied on a cellular level ..which is what wisdom is


This was the most powerful and insightful videos I have ever seen. She IS me.


This message was absolutely perfect...cosmically ordained. Thank you so much


This video was impressive.
I was searching for an answer about Chiron bi quintile Midheaven and this video has been recommended to me. One of the best (or perhaps THE best video) about Chiron so far.


How I love watching this generous, understanding and full of wisdom woman. Jessica is truly gifted.


Honestly the best Chiron lecture ever! Thank you! Life defining moment


Thankful for this, I have been coming to terms for over a year now with the fact that I have a mental illness. This angel has been speaking out to me for a while now💯


Thank You Jessica for opening your heart to all of us . I really feel the resonation here . 💚💚💚
My Chiron is in Capricorn .
My Venus is conjunction my Saturn in Scorpio .
The only thing worse than having a Dad leave is having one there that was never present except when he felt I needed to be criticized . My mother was not there either, I felt sorry for her .
I raised myself up very fast, , and I didn't have a clue how to do that so I ended up a real mess .
I was really glad to hear about those ages as they were friggin night mares for me . 6- 8, 13-16 I did exactly what you did, I was looking for love in all the wrong places .
Got married to a monster at 17, left him within 2 years, I thought if I didn't he would kill me . I sure wasn't suppose to be there .
I ran and ran until I met my 2 Nd husband at 26 . It was amazing how much area I covered in that time .
It was the first time in my life I felt safe . We've been married 38 years . It's only the last 6-7 years that we've been opening up, neither one of us were able to be emotionally available . Will see where this is going ? I think this year is my Saturn 7 year thingy . Coming across this video was another gift for me . My sun is in Libra, in the 12 house . Just this last week I finally found out why I'm the way I am . I'm so glad of the new energy that is coming forward now, I'm so ready . These last few years Ive been dabbling in Astrology and leaving, ,only to return . This time I'm ready to stick with it, ,yet still remain open to anything else that resonates with me . I will be listening to this again and again, I'm sure . Thanks so much for sharing this . 🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤 🔦💥🔦💥🔦💥🔦 😘


Thank you for sharing your knowledge, wisdom and experiences with us. I found that it is only through continuous self reflection and exposing of my dark side that I was able to make sense of my life. It is an arduous and painful journey to break down the ego. I had to surrender to the divine and cosmic within. To break away from conditional to unconditional love. Become Christ conscious. A most transformative and exhilarating experience which has made me stronger. It is good and comforting to connect with others that have a similar experiences. I hope one day to have the courage to share like you do.
