Kate Middleton's Last Words! Channeled Message

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In this Episode, Tahirah, Mother of the Ages, Talks about how Allegedly Kate may have experienced torture and abuse at the hands of the Establishment. What caused William to blow up on her and end their marriage. Spirit says Rose Hanbury has blood on her hand.

Through the modality of Hypnosis, Tahirah works with our God-Given DNA Instructions. This cellular information provides the template for complete healing, wellness and agape love.

Tahirah works with her spirit guides which are a divine council of five. They are energetic soul signatures of the Source Creator of All. Her Spiritual team has gifted her with the name Mother of the Ages. Tahirah’s purpose is to help humanity remove karmic templates within their celestial DNA. Which cleanses karmic soul ties, lessons and patterns on an intracellular, intercellular, extracellular and celestial level. Allowing one to raise to a higher frequency and vibration.

Tahirah teaches humanity how to connect to their own “I AM, GOD” Awareness by becoming the Giant of their Soul. Where negative thoughts and limiting beliefs have no room to flourish. Tahirah believes that a physically clean body is the gateway to finding true and long-lasting spiritual enlightenment.

Tahirah guides her clients into the eternal moment of now. Where their past, present and future exist as a singular thought wave of expression. Within our internal stillness we can often receive the answers to find healing, wisdom, guidance, faith, joy, laughter, beauty, contentment, prosperity, spiritual gifts, perseverance and so much more.

Tahirah, Mother of the Ages, holds space for her clients spiritual healing, growth and wellness by standing in the unconditional love frequency. Love is the highest vibration of the Universe. Tahirah lives by the mantra “Love is the way, Forgiveness is the key and Truth is the light that guides us home”.
Рекомендации по теме

Kate Middleton Will Always Be A Beautiful Classy Amazing Woman, Wife, Mother, Global Activist🌹❤️


I m already a has been, even though I was never awarded an opportunity to do or say anything, what about my turn, how can I be forced to be stepped aside for the ones behind me when they won't learn from me or allow me to first get my chance, and finish my course and hand over to them, why the disrespect


She will be missed if she no longer here ❤️you are gifted bless you ❤


Understand that - in Spirit …
DJT and the White Alliance have her back … always will.


Duties are easy. They meet with adoring fans and go to VIP dinners and all exclusive celebrity bashes. I'm not being funny, but what is the Royal Families actual job? They basically get paid to do nothing....am I wrong? Regular people have to go to work!


Protection for women begins when wealthy women share and strengthens the less fortunate, and that's when cannibalism and greed amongst women will stop and we will all make it


I'm so confused. She (supposedly, it was her) appeared at today's event. Would you please do a new video? I find you more credible than the media.


Well I hope this isn't true .
