How to become a Professional Gambler in 10 Steps in 2023 (Must Watch!)

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Want to make a living from betting? Then watch How to become a professional gambler in 10 steps in 2023. In this video, I explain what you need to understand before starting your journey.

Make no mistake, betting is big business. Leading syndicates are making millions, and you too can get a share. This video is extensive and covers all the basics. It explains how to extract money from greedy bookmakers, and more importantly, treat betting as a business.

To make understanding easy, we are using an informative slide. For reference, you can visit our website and find the written article.

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It really doesn’t matter what sector you are in, personal development is the key to success!


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I am still reading and constantly watch videos to upgrade myself and improve my knowledge and game


Your video is informative and very helpful! Thanks for sharing it!


Very informative.
People should follow your advice especially the first part about making a business plan.
This will help you avoid problems, such as losing a lot of money.
Most people are ignorant, they don't know the laws of probability, they know nothing.
All this should be taught at schools as part of the mathematics syllabus.
The various so called do gooders who advise us to seek psychiatric help are really the taxman's cronies. More about tax a little further down, but those guys are the taxman's cronies.
The psychotherapists are doing a fine job, but what about education before one reaches that stage ? The cronies say "no" to education in schools !

Now the biggest problems we have are those:
The bookies themselves. Account limitations, account closures and so on.
In the old days it was n't like that. There were people who were fixing results and making profits out of the tote but the authorities would n't care less. If something happened they were
finding some lame excuses to acquit everybody.
Now it's different. You bet something like Real Madrid and Barcelona to win and they close your account. A little guy like me fixed Real Madrid and Barcelona ? And I 'm not even Spanish !
This looks like an incurable disease really. I don't see it possible to make rules against it.
I 'm asking all those people who complain to think a little. Suppose you and a friend of yours make private bets from time to time. You meet your friend in the street and you say to him "let's have a but for Saturday's derby match". He says "no", "I have no idea what to back" or some other excuse. What do you do ? You use force ?
So the bookies see it the same way "we don't like this client, tick him off".
The only cure is betting sites operating a tote system. Tote works like this: Out of every 1000 quid they pay back the 950 - every day of the week. So no reason to nag you or limit your
account. Believe me there is no other way to eliminate this problem.

The other biggest problem we have is the taxman.
There are some esoteric reasons for this.
Betting is not seen as a legit financial activity, like for example when we go out in the country buy potatoes and sell them to town for a small profit.
It is seen as some sort of activity that provides tax revenue but it's bad, sinful.
It is n't really. We basically play between ourselves we agree about the rules and whenever there is a big winner we say "hurrah, nice work friend".
But that's not the way they see it.
Therefore we are being taxed to death.
Seemingly they don't even care when betting shops close as a result of excessive taxation and customers going away.
Every tax percentage has to be mulitplied by real money to produce real money.
So if we don't bet the taxman gets nothing despite his efforts.
But they don't care.
So unfair taxation is a big problem, if not everywhere at least in most jurisdictions.

My proposal to you:
Try to help fix those problems. Think of something.
Back in 2008-9 there were some trials in the European court of justice. As a result Betfair and the other exchanges were banned everywhere (so today they operate only in UK and Ireland).
I believe that betfair defended themselves poorly as well as they did not make a serious attempt to lobby the press and make their case known to the public,
During those years one think I noticed was this:
All the European monopoly companies (in favour of big taxes and big take aways) maintained official websites advertising their cause, which was the partial prohibition of course.
The gamblers had nothing. When we say nothing, we mean nothing.

So that's about the shape of it. Is there something we can do ?


Thanks for the video and the advice.I shall be total committed to your channel.Thanks once more.


Keeping the winnings in the account is where I defer with you, otherwise good video.


Everyone always say get the best odds and i get it and expected value but if the bet doesn't hit, doesn't really matter


I have tried my best in gambling but I always loose, I really need some help from you sir, thanks and keep it up


So when should you take your winnings out of your account? Because that’s what everyone’s in it for to make money and use that money right!?


These are by far some of the best advice videos on pro gambling I have found. Some real gems in the content that other supposedly pros on YouTube don't cover.

May I ask. I have been trialing a bet broker for over a year now. They are excellent. I am based in the UK. I am struggling to find what the tax implications are for offshore gambling through a broker are. Can you offer any advice? Much appreciated.


Way to many ads I’m 4 mins in and have had 3 already 😂


Getting information is vital I only bet in football because I get information from what some may deem as the least person's of importance on the field the ball boys. They let me know what's being said by the managers and the players there is certain niches in matches where they try for certain plays in the match. When I get paged I get on at odds off 1.600 to 2.000 +And I have around 20 little friends around Europe and 7 out off 10 bets come in they don't charge me much I provide the pagers all my bets are made in play. They are not paid a lot by the clubs and some are not paid at all but they are so up with the action and the best bets are when the managers relay to the players to get it up to the oppositions corner poles as often as possible. Also when a game is quite physical it is possible to back every player to get a card say in the last 10 minutes and make a good profit. But yes its all about information.


11. Work out where to position yourself so that your head doesn't block the text.


If I profit from gambling for over 4 years but I don't make enough to live from it (around £120 a month), can I call myself a semi-pro gambler? :-)


How do I contact you regarding one on one learning


Would Switzerland be a good country for value betting?


I sent an email waiting for your reply sir


I need to gambling to be my job because in my country no job at all. I have diploma of shipping and logistics Management and decide to continue to study degree but no job at all. You know especially in Africa countries if don't somebody at any company is very difficult to get access of job. So i decide while i study my degree i should engage in betting especially football betting. My close friend won 200 milion and now change his life. 😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔📌📌📌