Journey To Peace (1hr) - Sacred Sound Healing - Third Eye Activation - Meditation For Vision States

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Open your third eye, allow it to guide you down the pathways within, let the rhythm be your footsteps and the melody be your guiding light. You are safe and held as you wander, journey well.
This Divinely improvised performance was brought to you by:
Chantress Seba
Violin @hydravox
Cello @Garwynlinnell
The Music In This Video Is Purley Intuative, A Channelled Sound Healing Activation, Owned by Chantress Seba and Protected by Copyright
New Videos Every Wednesday at 5pm GMT
Follow our Instagram for daily activations and event info:
And for all things Chantress Seba:
linktree @chantressseba
Gemini and Finn
I and I
#visionstate #thirdeye #thirdeyechakra #thirdeyeactivation #light #lightenergy #healingfrequencymusic #chanting #peace #heart #heartchakra #thirdeye #thirdeyechakra #chakra #deep #deepenergycleanse #energycleanse #letgo #motherearth #grounding #mantra #ancestors #reiki #reikimusic #massage #massagemusic #frequency #frequencymusic #channeling #soundhealing #relaxingmusic #healingmusic #peaceful #meditation #relaxation #shamanicmusic #soundmeditation #soundtherapy #soundbath #meditationmusic #improvisation #calm #harmony #yoga #yogamusic #spiritualmusic #innerjourney #astraltravel #livemeditation #calmingmusic #intuitive Music #relaxation Session #anti stress music #shamanic music #sound healer
#sleep Music #deep Sleep #deepdeditation #Spirit Work Music
#lightworker #lightlanguage #activation #asmr #medicinemusic
This Divinely improvised performance was brought to you by:
Chantress Seba
Violin @hydravox
Cello @Garwynlinnell
The Music In This Video Is Purley Intuative, A Channelled Sound Healing Activation, Owned by Chantress Seba and Protected by Copyright
New Videos Every Wednesday at 5pm GMT
Follow our Instagram for daily activations and event info:
And for all things Chantress Seba:
linktree @chantressseba
Gemini and Finn
I and I
#visionstate #thirdeye #thirdeyechakra #thirdeyeactivation #light #lightenergy #healingfrequencymusic #chanting #peace #heart #heartchakra #thirdeye #thirdeyechakra #chakra #deep #deepenergycleanse #energycleanse #letgo #motherearth #grounding #mantra #ancestors #reiki #reikimusic #massage #massagemusic #frequency #frequencymusic #channeling #soundhealing #relaxingmusic #healingmusic #peaceful #meditation #relaxation #shamanicmusic #soundmeditation #soundtherapy #soundbath #meditationmusic #improvisation #calm #harmony #yoga #yogamusic #spiritualmusic #innerjourney #astraltravel #livemeditation #calmingmusic #intuitive Music #relaxation Session #anti stress music #shamanic music #sound healer
#sleep Music #deep Sleep #deepdeditation #Spirit Work Music
#lightworker #lightlanguage #activation #asmr #medicinemusic