Perception: Chaos and Order | Dr. Karl Friston | EP 298

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Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Dr. Karl Friston discuss the world as we perceive it through micro narratives, how those narratives exist within a structured hierarchy, and how we can manipulate the system, and thus change our own mindsets.

Dr. Karl Friston is a renowned neuroscientist, and one of the leading researchers in brain imagery. He is credited for inventing statistical parametric mapping, an international standard for the analysis of imaging data. His work also pertains to the free energy principle, and predictive coding theory. Currently, he works as a professor of neuroscience at the University College London.

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— Chapters —

(0:00) Coming up
(1:04) Intro
(2:43) The binding of entropy
(5:25) Motivation and Fantasy
(15:00) Hierarchy of micro narratives
(29:30) Frans de Waal, the paradox in prediction
(37:50) Inference and assuming the story
(46:15) Dopamine and diatic narratives
(54:33) Serotonin, the depressive mindset
(1:07:31) Acetylcholine
(1:10:29) The need to minimize free energy
(1:16:48) The left and right hemisphere
(1:22:20) Psychedelics and functional narratives



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Dear Jordan,
I have been binge watching your content for quite some, mainly due to Mentalhealth struggles and to build strength in this harsh world. You have sincerely touched my heart and soul. Why? Because knowing there are people out there acknowledging, pursuing and living by truth, instead of this diluted facade of a world which is tearing my hope and heart apart, guides me in every aspect towards light and clarity. And helps me maintain that clarity on reality.
My wife is expecting,
and you inspire me to become a great father every day. I was not raised by truth, rather by standards that flaws are bad and the world is perfect. Which has been eating me alive for the past 5-10 years (I'm 30)

You give us hope by truth.

Don't forget yourself, and take care kind soul


what a time to be living in front of these intellectuals thank you Doctors for your life time of service!🙏🏽👏🏿


For those who don't know Karl Friston.... this man is a LENGEND. LOVE SEEING DOC PETERSON bringing in quality guests. PLEASE KEEP IT UP..!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏


the interesting thing about this for me was how much language (self talk) fundamentally plays a regulating role in the modulation of moods. I had previously only thought of these as raw emotions, but I was unaware of the linguistic mechanics surrounding it. great video


Jordan, you are one of the greatest minds in the West. It is an honor being born at this time to witness your mind at work. Thank you.


We're so lucky to have so much educational content available these days. I got two hours of HG Tudor in and now I get ninety minutes of Dr. Peterson to finish the day!


What a human being. Fighting for and guiding those through the perils of life and ones mind, all while enduring the constant criticism and judgements. You’ve touched my soul and saved my life when I didn’t want it anymore. I hope our paths cross one day but if they don’t know I owe you my life . Thank you


Thank you for sharing this content! One thing I think that is so common and induces masses of individuals into depressive states are the degrees to which their own experiences of the world were subverted by the antagonism and false narrative hierarchy that they are/were subjugated to underneath their parents, in tandem with all forms of emotional and mental imposition of imputed forms of self-hatred and self-contempt that are received in their formative years from any and all individuals who are consumed by an unfettered narcissism and hatred for them. It is these children who have had their own personality and selfhood subsumed by the need to create a personality/mask that replaces their identity as the archetypal scapegoat for their parents and/or society's machinations in order to deplete their adversaries psychic energy and enable a semi-transient state of 'peace' that should have otherwise been there. I am also convinced that this is where addictions to drugs, food, sex, and other manifold items really soars for these individuals, as these individuals as they mature and go through life continue to employ a depersonalized persona to seek out peace amongst others of a more marked self-interested disposition, and in doing so are then tasked with facing the void of existence without any genuine empathy or compassion from any other individual in their life as their marked awareness of genuine empathy and compassion is inherently more capable of sifting through expressions of compassion and empathy and seeing them as merely just expressions and not genuine forms of compassion that reach past the veil of their own projected identity that the outside world sees. This is then further compounded in a society that continues to celebrate the crucifixion of individuals upon their shortcomings in meeting varying forms of societal expectations and have these shortcomings further imputed to them due to the ways in which they have failed to be responsible for their own selves, when in reality this is something that they have clearly been deprived of in many instances due to the inherent nature of their brains structure as it was ingrained into them within their upbringing. This isn't to suggest that this is something that is inherently static nor am I suggesting that we should enable individuals in dysfunctional behavior, but I am saying that the most potent way that society will be enabled to rise from the dredges is through the manifestation of genuine forms of empathy and compassion that are void of pity for them, and that genuinely treats them as individuals - something that I think is the key to why so many have taken an interest to your videos Dr. Peterson. Too many machiavellians in society continue to use such individuals to their hearts content, often times in the guise of morality or of respectability, without any interest in which ways the hierarchies found within the strictures of societal expectations have contributed to these individuals being buried in these terrible mountains of complexes and states of dysregulation without the opportunity to regulate themselves and to rightly order their own emotions and well-being seeing as society commonly foists upon such individuals the narrative that peace is to be pursued at all costs, even to one's own sense of self. This is why identity crises are the primary underpinning of the masses in our day as they are literally the manifestations of the millions of masks that so many in their childhood were forced to forge in order to subsume their identity in a way which would enable them to maintain the peace in their own household. I am also convinced that this is why the complexes of victimhood status are the pre-eminent underpinnings of the ideological territory that continues to disrupt the Apollonian realms of society that continue to expect all persons in their purview to genuinely value and appreciate all 'normal' societal expectations.


Thank you Dr. Peterson and Dr. Karl Friston for this informative talk. It was difficult for me to understand some of the higher resolution concepts but Dr. Friston’s explanation of the depressed brain was new . It’s a very painful place to be when I cannot update or change prediction errors. Attention to my behaviors and CBT makes a greater sense to me after hearing this talk. Wow! Thank you so much! God bless you both. ❤


It’s great to see dr Friston on the show. Truly one of the worlds greatest minds. Well done mr Peterson, another great dialogue ❤


I love the work that you do Prof Peterson. I'm such a big fan, it feels like I know you. And thanks. You changed my life, and I found new meaning in life. Lots of love, from South Africa 😁 👍🏻 ❤️


I love people sharing their knowledge!💚Thank You Jordan!🥰🥰🥰


Not that you will read it. But you have changed my mindset completely. And i am more in peace with myself. Set of to find answers after i knew unexpectedly i would become a father. I was living of minimum wage in my 30m2 student appartment at 26 years old. Fast forward 4 years later, i tripled my salary, bought a house and i am still with the same woman and we just had our second child.

I am watching as much as i can from you and i look up more content from your guest speakers that i like. Keep doing what you are doing. It makes a huge difference to many people.


Jordan...saving the talk at a time❤️


I understood it when Jordan Peterson expressed how people are dying for that reassuring voice, support and someone to motivate them. I am caught up in a situation whereby I need advice and wise words. I registered for a chemical engineering course under the influence of my parents. I also blame myself because I didn't know better and I followed the trends, not really taking the time to discover what would work well for me and my interests, I never took a gap year after high school to think things through and do my research. As such, I failed my first semester but the school allowed me to continue, I don't know how but they did. But now I'm facing problems with my sponsors, mind you I progressed to my second semester, passed it and now I'm doing my second semester, but my government is giving me problems with the sponsorship because they do not understand how I was allowed to progress. And I tried talking to my parents and requested to return home, take a gap year and rethink my choices because I was under a lot of stress and duress and I do not think I'll make it in this degree, but they won't let me. I feel so lost because I'm at the risk of losing my scholarship, my parents won't understand my situation and instead are interested in keeping me in school despite my condition because they bragged about me to a lot of people and cannot afford to be mocked, and I want to change the course and do something I'm compatible with, but I've already wasted my opportunity of sponsorship. I feel stuck and I've lost all hope, and sadly enough I have no one to turn to and talk to about this. I've been searching for sponsorships with no success and so I don't really know what to do anymore. I do have the drive to work, I do have the motivation to do better and change my situation but I lack opportunities, or should I say I don't know where to look. What can I do?


When we live our life based on the principle “Thy will be done on Earth as it is on Heaven” the concept of expectation is useless because we are absolutely convinced that every thing that happen is the best could happen for both our material and espiritual development. Thank you Dr Peterson your existence on this Planet is the best could happen for Humanity in these so difficult times.


Dear Professor Peterson, I am not sure if you will read this but you have my respect and, as I’m sure you have gathered, the respect of thousands if not millions of people around the world. In a recent video I saw of you, you mentioned the phenomenon that a large percentage of men viewed your videos. I can’t speak for all of the men here but for me, that reason is two fold. 1. I agree with a large majority of the opinions I have seen you speak about and come to similar conclusions. Even if I hadn’t put it to words yet. Hearing you, seeing you and at time feelings the emotions and truth from your words is powerful. Powerful enough to capture the attention of people in trouble. People who don’t know how to ask for help and people who believe in the greater good.
2. I watch you because I think a major turning point in the culture of civilization and how both sex’s view each other AND treat one another will follow the dialogues you have started. Dialogue that most men feel and sympathize with but don’t have your credibility, publicity or even sometimes courage to say. Not only that, but you are well spoken and informed enough to fully realize arguments in defense of those ideals.

You are heavily watched as a phenomenon most people don’t understand fully. You are in a position of power. REAL power. Not some arbitrary election or inherited form of position. But one that was earned through logic, study, uphill mental battles and physical ones at that with your illnesses. You are a very good representation of the people you wish to serve. One under pressure, one struggling, but one with purpose. That classical underdog story of effort, determination and in this case, hopefully, justice. It’s a work of art and one that has captured the attention of those affected by the very injustices you point out.


As an orthodox Jew, I find Jordan's informed approach as being a bulwark to the radical and ingracious elements within our society as well as creating a solid and meaningful bridge between the Abrahamic faiths


I admire your passion dedication and the education you're providing for the world thank you


You guys make the highest level of discussion digestible for the masses, thank you so much for the free growth 😂 keep it up Jordan been loving the recent talks
