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Song: SION-Lies

Direction/Making by QMENG

Inbetween/Clean-up Mongsang

[COMICS / 연재만화]


2023년 갓성인 여러분 축하합뉘다!!!
(환)저의 밑바닥 포스타입에 어서오세요(영)

한 평생 속죄하세요

첫 사랑

자덕질 로그 2편
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Vivinos likes doomed yuri and qmeng likes doomed yaoi
They're perfect for eachother


I love how every frame can be a wallpaper on its own. Bravo to the animator for making a masterpiece.


Tell me a lie I can believe
I wanna be a fool, but you're not making it easy for me
I shouldn't have loved
I should have known that all these broken pieces hurt

Tell me without looking down your feet
You say it's the best for me but I'm bleeding why don't you see

I feel drained of all those extraordinary couples
Loving each other like I never have done

No, no, no, no
How could you be in love while I'm
So, so, so, so
Hurting, bleeding, dying of our relationships and troubles

That are painted in red colors
Oh, please die
(ああ君が いっそ死んでくれたら)


I like how the animator left the ending to our imagination. It's left to us to interpret as we want. I have seen some of the comments. I personally am taking it as a happy ending achieved from the struggles they went through and the guy beat his illness and those are tears of joy and they are together. I like it. Thank you ❤. I believe why must i take it as a tragic ending if it's upto to me to interpret it. I CHOOSE HAPPY ENDINGS FOR FICTIONAL CHARACTERS!


Someone's already commented on what could've actually happened to the couple but I seriously wish they still have a happy ending together




This is so beautiful yet so tragic! So it seems like the blonde guy is suffering from a chronic illness, as shown from 0:25 as he is on a hospital bed. Also at the very beginning the glass heart is slowly losing blood, possibly signifying how his time is slowly running out. 0:18 seems to be their first encounter (as adults? maybe they knew each other when they were students but lost contact with each other), blonde seems to have a job while black haired still is in university. At 0:36 blood is flowing out of his mouth (signifying blonde's "lie" that they would stay together forever), and black haired just found out about blonde's illness, and he is deeply grieved and cries because blonde will die early. 0:41 is a flashback back to when they both didn't know he was sick, and they both look so happy together 😭. 0:51 is a flash to the present after blonde died, as black haired is sitting on the bench alone with empty eyes while looking at a happy couple. 0:57 is after black haired found out about blonde's illness, and is desperately, almost obsessively, holding on to his final moments with his lover. Black haired's face at 1:01 is so unemotional, in contrast to blonde's carefree smile. At 1:12 they share some of their final days at a hotel(?), and have tears in their eyes but gradual acceptance of his condition.

(This is just my analysis, I'm not sure if it's completely right though)


The song is so addictive, I wish it was longer, but maybe it was intentional to be short…just like that blond guy’s life 😅😭


우아아ㅠ 공개 되어서 넘 기쁩니다~!
클린업/인비트윈 작업으로 규멩님 4일 개인작에 어시스턴트로 작업했습니다!
다들 준오어진 예뻐해주세요..<3 감사합니다🥰


I'm pretty sure Blond is alive in the end and they have their happy ending :)
It seems like he had a very serious illness, that took a lot of time and was life threatening. Blonde tells Black about the risks of that illness and what I also assume a surgery in which he could lose his life.
Black is mentally holding onto the last straw as the person he loves, is so close to death. That also explains the scene where Black sits on the bench outside and looks at the couple, pining for his past, worry-free memories with his beloved.
In the end it seems like blond managed to overcome the high hurdles of the illness. Black embraces him from behind like saying: "Welcome back. Don't ever leave me again."
The last second is the one moment that makes me almost certain of their happy end. The tiny tiny comical heart that bounces from them when Blond excitedly hugs Black. That's a sweet "all well, ends well" scene. :))


캬 다시 봐도 너무 대단함 1분 좀 넘는 영상에 이 정도 서사랑 퀄리티가 진짜 말도 안됨... 첫 샷보고 진짜 미치도록 잘그리셔서 소리지름...


This really reminds me of the webcomic “10 Years That I Loved You The Most”. The story seems very similar and the characters even look a little alike 😭
I even checked in the description to make sure the animation wasn’t based off of it 💀


유튜브 다 삭제하시고 트위터 계정까지 다 삭제하시고 잠수타시고 진짜 걱정돼요


Very subtle in the story telling but its so well-done! It took a couple of rewatches to fully appreciate this masterpiece. Plus, so cute.


Amazing interepretation of the song ;-; I'm so glad I found this artist through you. I think the song is about someone slowly leaving you but here it's because he's going to leave him behind and die. The lyrics are from the glasses man's perspective, who finds his lover dying so painful he wishes he 'shouldn't have loved', because it's his lover who made the first move 00:20. They're next-door neighbours in the dorm or apartment (0:16) but if you look at the background contrasted with 1:06 - 1:11 it's the same space with the wall removed. So either literally they had the wall knocked down or the wall is figurative for the glasses guy letting the blonde guy into his heart.

The one who's "bleeding" in 0:36 is actually the glasses guy, because the blood lines are positioned same as his tears in 0:38. He's hurting so badly in this relationship that it feels like he's being drained of love like blood. It seems like the blonde guy either downplayed his illness or never talked about it when they were getting together 0:54, because he's less serious and focused on the present, but I think he truly loves the glasses guy because in 0:28 he gave almost more than half the bed to him and winds the drip away from him even though he's so much bigger.They were either next-door neighbours in the dorm or apartment (0:16) but if you look at the background contrasted with 1:06 - 1:11 it's the same space with the wall removed. So either literally they had the wall knocked down or the wall is figurative for the glasses guy letting the blonde guy into his heart.


작가님 트위터 계정에서
맨날 눈호강 했던 규멩님 자컾이군요!
그림 볼때마다 정말정말
감명 받듯이 눈이 즐거웠었는데 ㅜㅠ
이렇게 짧은영상으로 그 고퀄 일러스트 퀄만큼
때려넣으실줄은 상상도 못했어요..!ㅠㅠ
작가님 뒤에서 항상 응원하고 건강챙기시며
작업하길 바래요..!!
오늘도 마음치유 받고 갑니다!
언제나 화이팅..!( •̀∀•́ )b


if he dies, life has no meaning



I’m so sorry but every single time I see this scene 0:09 I keep thinking of megamind going, NO


So after he lost his love, he became the person appearing in yama 偽顏...


The animation is so adorable and the song sounds absolutely great 💜 Love your work!
