Reiki for the Removal of Energetic Blockages Related to Love & Romance

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Reiki for the Removal of Energetic Blockages Related to Love & Romance 🔻READ MORE🔻

🎵 Music: Touch by In-Spirits exclusively produced for In-Reiki/Divine White Light. © Copyright In-Spirits. All rights reserved.
Remote Reiki session for the removal of energetic blockages related to love and romance.

Reiki is a Japanese energy-based healing modality that helps to restore the body's natural balance with the purpose of relaxation and stress reduction.

Being in a sleep, awake, occupied or engaged in other activities while simultaneously receiving Reiki, will never impair from its effectiveness.
Reiki always works for your highest good and most benevolent outcomes.

The infinite wisdom of Reiki flows only where it is desired, affecting matter at subtle levels. Your personal acceptance and openness to receiving this healing energy will dictate the level of energy to receive.

You are encouraged to play this distance healing recording repeatedly as often as you wish. This Reiki sessions can have cumulative effects, meaning, the healing energy infused in these videos is amplified each time you play it.

Each of us has our unique response to the healing energy and our experience can indeed vary from session to session. It depends on how sensitive someone is to energy. Just relax and enjoy this healing energy flowing to you.

This is a "real time" Reiki session recorded from the beginning to end. While channeling energy my focused and devoted attention will prevail throughout the session. Therefore, I do not speak and remain silent at all times. Soothing background music is used to further promote deeper relaxation during the session.

In order for Reiki to work effectively, please be open to receiving the healing energy.
It is extremely beneficial to drink water after receiving Reiki as part of the healing process.

Important Note: This content is not intended to be a substitute for proper medical diagnosis, treatment or specialist care from your Medical Practitioner / GP / Consultant or other qualified health professional.


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I did everything possible to ensure that you really enjoy this Free Reiki Video Session and I will do everything in my power, in case you need any help. However, I want to put here clearly that I do not perform miracles and I do not promise to cure anyone. In critical situations, please, use your common sense and help yourself first by seeking qualified professional help.

My services may be useful for many but not for everyone, so I wanted to emphasize that there are no promises, guarantees or representations that you will attain cure of any condition nor win or earn any money as a result of using any of my services. The use of any of my information, products and services should always be based on your own diligence, and you agree that I am not responsible in any way for your success nor failure. I am merely the facilitator who transmits channeled energy to you. Everything here mentioned is “energetically speaking” and that is the sole basis of my work.

If you enjoyed this energy work, show your appreciation by clicking on the like button and by subscribing to this channel.

Thank You!


reiki | distance healing | love blockage removal | reiki energy | reiki healing | #energyhealing | energy healing | remote reiki | #reikiforlove
Рекомендации по теме

I'm ready to meet someone who's kind, generous with there time, love, money, knowledge of life experience's. Not closed off, emotional unavailable or a player type. I deserve to be loved in a loving relationship with no drama, mind games, cheating, hot n Cold, . I want a partner who wants to be with me for the right reasons with good ❤✝️✝️ intions


I am 70 years old now, I have been rejected by women all my life, my heart been broken twice, and I had two mini strokes over women. I had enough. I hope it's not about me or I attracted myself to the wrong person. In the mean time I just love me and take care of me and my Health


I open my heart to receiving love and I allow myself to give love in return


I release all that bull**** programming and self-concept that makes me think I'm not capable of simply softening and opening to receive true unconditional love. I open to that, I deserve that and I know that I am capable of enjoying it <3
I let go I let go I let go
and so it is
thank you!


I had always struggled for improving love romance. I landed on this channel for the same purpose in 2017. And today I am listening to this. Thank you so much 😊


Dziękuję dziękuję dziękuję 💙 miłość jest najważniejsza i najsilniejsza każdemu kto czyta ten komentarz życzę aby doświadczał miłości we wszystkim 🍀🙏


So glad I woke to find this today. A perfect self birthday gift! 🎉❤🥰🙏🏼


I m meeting someone new, whom I have never met before btw, next week. I hope I like him. I've got a good feeling about this. If he's the right person for me, I want the universe to guide me towards it.❤️


Share is ❤. If you enjoyed this energy work, show your appreciation by clicking on the like button and by subscribing to this channel. Thank you!


Wish my dream of getting married come to reality very soon
Love Reiki


I’m in a relationship but my cptsd and fears get the best of me some days and I get horrible paranoia surges. I’ve been using morphic fields to help with trauma lately but I feel it’s time to go back to reiki for the cptsd as well as reiki to improve my inner ability to fully mentally accept the love my boyfriend gives me


I hope you all get the love you truly deserve!


Thank you! I'm really appreciating all the goodies you've been releasing recently 🙏


My family blocked me and my boyfriend from reuniting. I just want my man back with me.❤️ thank you!!


Thank you Lany 💖 please do a reiki video to release stalkers, those people that do not respect that we are not interested & interfere in happiness by pursuing us psychically even though we will never want them. I have a disgusting guy that has been making me miserable for months.


Every door just 🎆blew♾️open🎆 💓💓💓 Thank You 💜😊💖🌸💮💟✨


Right on time! I am open and receptive, thank you! ❤


Perfect timing as closes finally old Past Lives love relationships I've had trouble clearing in this Lifetime with the same souls . Plus another few in this Lifetime.


This is my favourite. It reminds me of a gondola ride in Italy.


Thankful was guided here this morning 🌞🔊🌄
