The Search For The Lost 'Disturbing Princess App'

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Today let's take a look at a very strange app from the 2010's, which I have been searching for for so long that I began to consider it lost media. With no sign of the 'disturbing princess tower app' anywhere, and countless failed leads, I thought that perhaps I imagined it... get ready for the most whelming video of the century!

❤︎❤︎ SOCIAL MEDIA ❤︎❤︎

❤︎❤︎ MUSIC ❤︎❤︎
Petz Catz 2 OST
LuKrembo Rose/Wine

❤︎❤︎ DISCLAIMER ❤︎❤︎
All credit goes to the musicians and composers! This video is not meant to target or harass any person. This video does not condone or encourage anyone to harass or contact any person or persons discussed in this video. This video is purely for entertainment and informational purposes.
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UPDATE!! You guys are so amazing, after only like a day you've already found playable versions and uploaded both the good and bad ending! These should be available on youtube (look them up at your own risk because the bad ending is very graphic) and the discovery has been made that the in-app purchase was actually a fake-out- if you agreed to pay the money, it would tell you that you passed the test and would allow you to give the knight a continue for free. Thank you all so much for your dedication to uncovering this game after all these years, you're all awesome!! :)


"The only three actions are slowly walking, crying and sighing."

Too real, man, too real.


Why it was really removed: In 2015, Apple required developers to update their apps to support 64-bit, or else be removed automatically. This caused an extinction-level event and is the reason so many old apps are lost media. One of the old iOS apps I miss the most is Rhythm Spirit.


I personally think it's fascinating that what you remembered the logo being was a key, while the actual logo was a keyhole, a lock. You definitely remembered it being related to a key or keyhole, but ended up with the other part of the key and lock in your memories. I think it's pretty cool subconscious symbolism to remember what could free a trapped, miserable princess from a room instead of what would keep her locked away.


fun fact: you dont actually have to pay for the good ending, it's just to show that you genuinely care enough about alyssa to pay for her and want her to be happy. you dont have to pay at all.


i love how you said that maybe the icon was "a key, a rose, a princess in a cage?" and then it turned out to be all of the above. amazing memory right there


This is the first time I’ve ever heard of lost media being actually as dark as people remembered. Compared to cracks or clockman this is horrifying!


Whats really scary is how easy it is for media to be lost in the internet age. We were told as kids that the internet was going to make sure that knowledge and information would be preserved forever, and it seems like its actually the opposite. If there was a physical copy it would at least have a chance of surviving the decades, but being nearly lost in only 8 years? Thats awful


Ok- having watched the play throughs-
The happy ending is kind of the most haunting thing!
It's there to remind you of the absurdity of the Knight thinking that it's a happy ending- like she didn't just endure permanent trauma. I think it's the real critique of this game trope- the culminating moment.


(spoiler warning)
The good ending pretends to be behind a pay wall but it's actually fake. If you press on it it says they will not charge you and just wanted to see if you cared enough about the princess to spend money to save her. I personally don't like the message, but there is a good ending for free.


I honestly feel like we never talk about how actually traumatic and terrible the damsels in distress have it


App developer here. Games have to be updated to be supported by new versions of the Google Play/App Store every couple of years or they get deleted. Since the studio is not around this is probably the reason why its gone. Love your vids! :)


ive literally never even considered the princess's side of the story in all of these games/shows/stories/etc. honestly just in that regard i really love this game because i feel like the princess is always just seen as a "prize" when the knight reaches her. yes, it's disturbing, but it's also just realistic enough to completely change your perspective on this trope.


one time i remembered a show from my childhood. i asked a friend if anyone had heard of the "groovy smoothie show"😭😭turns out it was just icarly

edit: it was fresh beat band


I can’t help but laugh at this kind of situation because it reminds me of the “evil farming game” that was actually just a vargskelethor joel clip


Izzy should make a series on finding other weird lost childhood media


To share my own "Was that real?" story, I had a memory when I was a kid of watching the Pokémon series, and there was a scene of Ash on a swing with a girl who suddenly turned into some kind of dragon pokémon. I told people about this scene, but nobody ever recalled it, and my searches for it came up empty. I remember I even brought it up to my mom, but she told me I had probably just imagined it, so that was my conclusion.

Then in my teen years, I was talking about Pokémon with a friend, and she brought up how Latias shapeshifted as a human girl in one of the movies, and I immediately googled it to find the scene I remembered.

I then went straight into my mom's room and basically said "I TOLD YOU SO."


Oh, I am so freaking happy that someone has reviewed "Hope: the other side of the adventure". I kinda screamed once I saw the Princess in the miniature :D. It was one of my favorite games and I downloaded it later once it was taken down trough some shady pages (?). Speaking about the payment in the game... there wasn't one. Actually, that was a joke made by the developers so you would be driven to the bad ending. If you tried to pay there was a message of the devs saying: "we wouldn't make you pay for anything, lol" and then go to the good ending. Which consisted of the Princess hearing the fight trough the door, then silence, and then the Prince would open the door and they would dance and spin in a cheesy way going back to pixel art.
I think that the reason it was taken down by Mr. Roboto Studios is that they had a fight with some groups in the Internet and I think the real life of the developers who said that the game was misogynist and an apology to machism because the princess couldn't save herself and was an object to the Prince. I see their point, but that wasn't the intention of the story...


I get the feeling the game simply wasn't maintained and updated? I'm certainly no expert but I think I've heard that phone games are only certified to be played on certain devices, so as new phones come out older apps are phased out and aren't available in the updated store if they aren't actively updated to work on the new devices. I think I remember reading an article about "the best phone games you can't play anymore" that had an explanation along those lines. With how old smartphones are now, I imagine the majority of all apps might be unavailable by now.


I adore seeing people talk about the media that they consumed as a child.

There's something magical about the way that the memories get distorted, you remember what you loved a lot, or what you hated, or found scary. And that feeling grows and grows until you've filled in details that never existed
