3 MINUTE AGO: Voyager 1 Just Turned Back and Made a Terrifying Discovery

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3 MINUTE AGO: Voyager 1 Just Turned Back and Made a Terrifying Discovery

Voyager 1 has not stopped to amaze NASA scientists and the general public as a whole. Launched 45 years ago, Voyager 1 has long exceeded its lifespan. Still, it’s presently exploring space regions that it wasn’t built to explore and sending data back to Earth. It sends data back to Earth using outdated technology that’s worse than a vintage cassette player. And with this, it helped scientists to make a startling discovery. What could a dated space probe like this help uncover? Join us as we explore the terrifying discovery by Voyager 1 as it just turned back.

The Shocking Discovery Voyager 1 Made

Voyager 1 was sent out into interstellar space to study the boundaries of the giant planets and the solar system. And also to keep on going far out into outer space to get magnetic readings and photos, and send these data back home to NASA. Launched on September 5, 1977, nobody expected this probe to still be operating now and making new interstellar discoveries.

45 years have passed and Voyager 1 is still going strong. In fact, because of Voyager 1, a great discovery that’ll hasten spacecraft movements from Earth to Neptune was discovered.

The discovery happened in 1965 when an intelligent NASA scientist named Gary Flandro was planning how to map out the best path for a space probe to the giant planets, using a spacecraft that would now be known as Voyager 1. The giants of our solar system that were about to be studied were Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune, and Saturn.
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Impressive that u made this entire video within 3 minutes of it happening


"Breezed past the dense asteroid belt"
"Dense" is not a word I would associate with the asteroid belt, as the average distance between two adjacent asteroids is about 900.000 kilometres. Those words and the image you put on screen while saying them, gives an exagerated impression of how dangerous crossing the asteroid belt is.


Voyager 1 never went close to Uranus and Neptune. Voyager 2 was sent on a trajectory to flyby those two planets. Both Voyagers had the original goal of exploring (just flying by) Jupiter and Saturn, but only Voyager 2 was sent on a trajectory taking it past Uranus and Neptune, which was a bonus, as it was not sure that the Voyagers would last that long.

If memory serves, Voyager 1 had its trajectory altered to give it a closer look at Saturn’s moon Titan. That alteration (using gravitational slingshot maneuvers, thus using the gravity of those planets both for guidance and tremendous acceleration) meant that Voyager 1’s trajectory would not take it to Uranus and Neptune.

Voyager 2 made that trip alone, and is still the only human made object to get remotely close enough to those planets to date. I remember seeing those images for the first time, and they were the first images which showed us what those planets really looked like. The felling was akin to the first images of Pluto when New Horizons flew past last decade. Each celestial body revealed surprises about themselves.


What astounds me is the fact that the electronic componants are still up and running' we now have the likes of HD TV's that dont fuction after 3Years
