Webinar: Write AngularJS like Angular 2 with Typescript and ngMetadata

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Webinar: Write AngularJS like Angular 2 using Typescript and ngMetadata

Last year ES6 or ES2015 was declared new official version for our beloved JavaScript. Angular 2 leverages it to a maximum level but even further by using Typescript, which gives us optional types and more. What if I tell you, you can use the very same techniques on you current project using AngularJS?

We will show you how to convert existing Angular 1 codebases written in ES5 to Typescript and ngMetadata so you can write future Angular 2 like code Today.

Speaker Bio

Martin is a software engineer with strong passion for Typescript and clean code. Currently he is building great things at EmbedIT (Prague, Czech Republic).

Martin loves to travel the world and meeting new people at conferences. When he’s not busy preparing the next meetup or talk, you might find him outside on his skate/snow/wake boards (depends on weather conditions yo!)


7:00pm - Brief introduction and presentation to last roughly around 20min

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