The First Philosophers: The Presocratics
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In this video, I'll introduce you to a group of thinkers that's often given the label of the first philosophers in the Western tradition, the Presocratics. We'll be covering each of these thinkers in more depth later in their own individual videos, so if you're interested and want to learn more you can look forward to those.
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Don't forget to to comment, like, & subscribe. If you learned something, consider sharing it with others. Thanks.
The First Philosophers: The Presocratics
Presocratics Part 1: Early Greek Philosophy
The Presocratics: Crash Course History of Science #2
The First Philosophers: The Presocratics and… by Robin Waterfield · Audiobook preview
Introduction to the Presocratics
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The First Philosophers
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The Presocratics: Thales
History of Philosophy : The presocratics
Pre socratic philosophers - The fathers of philosophy.
Parmenides: Pre-Socratic Philosophy
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What is Philosophy? The PRESOCRATICS Explained | Philosophy in a Nutshell Ep. 1
Lecture 1 Presocratics
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