“Sir we’re with the HOA, here to remind you it’s time to mow your lawn”

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Man there’s little on this earth that I hate more than Home Owners Associations (HOAs), try to avoid moving to an area with one and if you do don’t sign anything they try to put in front of you. Make clear that you are not part of their stupid club and if it comes down to it you can always threaten to build a 40 ft ham radio tower and they’d risk having the FCC fine them thousands upon thousands of dollars if they wanted to try and stop you. Make sure no one in your house signs anything anyone HOA affiliated offers, make sure to tell them that you want nothing to do with their stupid club and that they have no right over you or your property, if they fine you don’t pay it, if they touch your stuff/go on your property call the police, have them trespassed from your businesses if you own one and they pester you, and if they force their way into your house you have the right to defend yourself.

And therein lies the humor here, we don’t like HOAs, and the HOAs deserve far worse than they get. They are unnecessary government, one of the purist forms of evil, and they act like they’re the good guys. So the obvious joke implied by that guys training footage holds comedic weight.

Anyways this dank little number should fit right in with the rest of the stuff here on the FunnyMemeSpot YouTube channel.
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