Why Do We Need z Scores? (Ask Antonio) (9-3)

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Why do we need z Scores? We will use a clever example about a fictitious measure of attractiveness. First, we need the mean to create a deviation score. In order to know whether the deviations are large or not, we need a standard to compare each deviation score. We need a standard deviation. Using our normal distribution we can see where each test taker falls relative to others who took the same test.

This video teaches the following concepts and techniques:
Creating a deviation score
Applying the standard deviation
Using a normal distribution to find proportions

Link to a Google Drive folder with all of the files that I use in the videos including the Bear Handout and the datasets. As I add new files, they will appear here, as well.

Table of Contents:

00:21 - Why Do We Need z Scores?
02:17 - To Interpret Scores:
03:04 - Apply the z Score Formula
04:02 - Application

Who is Antoooonio?
Antonio, (not his real name) was a real student in a statistics course who was (still is) an amazingly funny guy. As I was explaining the example about attractive men, he volunteered that he should play the most attractive guy. Our banter led him to be named "Antonio", which he stretched into "Antooonio", and played along with the example, causing me to work in plenty of opportunities for him to use his name. So, the pronunciation of "Antooonio" is a shout-out to him: one of the most clever, funny, and skilled improv artists I have ever been honored to have in class...although not actually all that good looking. :o)
All love, brother!
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One day i will be as handsome as Antooonio


For those confused, the mean and standard deviation were given and not calculated based on the three randomly selected scores. That's why the mean is 60 and not 63.333.


I'm sorry but I literally have no clue on how you got all of these sat here and watched the video 6 times and I am still VERY lost...when i did the mean of these 3 scores it came to 63.33 not 60. It would have been easier to understand how you got the mean of 60 by showing us all the scores of the participants and then dividing them all by the amount of people who took the was my understanding of how you get the mean


Thank you for sharing this video. I understand the concept better now.


hhhh Who also love the way he pronounce the name of ANTONIO? 😀you give a certain melody to the name !!!


how can I use Z score for weekly sales?


from now on I am going to tell people you have a appearance has a Z-score of 100


can I use z-score to non normal distribution data.


Hey Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind hey Mickey!


why tf are you saying Antonio like that


you don't even have the right mean or standard come on man
