Python Asynchronous Programming - 3 vs MultiThreading vs MultiProcessing

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Mutil-Threading is about workers and async is about tasks

Aim - To get movie tickets and like instagram pictures

We first get the movie tickets and then open the instagram app and like pictures

If while waiting in line we use instagram and when the queue has ended then we get our movie tickets

It is a kind of asynchronous programming. But the main difference is about workers and tasks. Mutil-Threading is about workers and asyncrounous programming is about tasks.

If we get a clone to like the pictures on instagram while you wait in line then that is an example of multithreading. Thus you can say you have two workers. You and your clone. While asynchronous programming is about tasks. While waiting for the waiting in line for movie task to finish you can like instagram pictures. There is no other clone or a another human being to complete the other task.

But what if instead of a clone another different human bring came to like your pictures while you waiting in the line. Then that is an example of multi-Processing. You must have heard of dual-core or multi-core laptops in the old days.Now almost every computer has a multi-core. So these core inside your CPU can actually execute the tasks in parellel which is also knowns as parellel programming or multi-processing.

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