Georgia man unknowingly picks up hitchhiker accused of murder

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You are lucky this man didn’t kill you! So happy he got caught.


Don't pick up hitchhikers, especially if your child is in the car.


So glad you and your son didn’t get hurt. 🙏🏽


My bf and I were thumbing cross Texas back in the 80s and a young guy in a white van picked us up. He was nice enough and after about hour he says, :y'all seem like decent ppl, I'm going to tell you the truth. And then he pulls back his sleeves to show a pair of hand cuffs that had been sawed in half. He said he had just escaped prison and would take us through to Florida where we were going or he could let us out at the next exit. We said, no offense but the next exit will be fine.🥺


*In the early 1980's, my sister stopped for gas on a Fall night on her way home from work at around 7:30pm at the gas station a block from her job. It was already dark outside. She didn't want to have to get gas in the morning, and she was tired, so she pulled in to the pumps where they pumped the gas for you. (Yes, in the early 1980's a few stations still pumped your gas for 5 cents more per gallon!) The attendant filled her tank and she wrote a check for the amount (another thing that doesn't happen anymore) and handed the check to the attendant. The attendant handed the check back to her and told her she needed to come inside the gas station and show his Manager her driver's license. She told him she was a regular customer, just worked a block away, and asked if she could just show him (the attendant) her driver's license. He told her, "No ma'am, I'm sorry, but I've got a new Manager, and he has a new policy. You have to come inside to the cash register, give him your check and show him your driver's license personally. I can't take your check; I will get fired, and I need my job! I am sorry to inconvenience you, ma'am, but that's his new policy." So my sister grabbed her check, her purse, her car keys and walked inside with the attendant, grumbling all the way. When they got inside, my sister didn't see any Manager there. Before she could say anything, the attendant picked up the phone and dialed 911. She listened to the phone call in horror as the attendant told the police to come IMMEDIATELY because he had a lady who just came in to get gas, and there is a man hiding with a large knife in her back seat! He told the police the lady was safe with him inside the gas station because he insisted that she come inside to show her driver's license to his Manager for the check she wrote for her gas. He told the police that he was working at the station alone, and he had used "the Manager" ruse to get her out of her car to safety. My sister said the police arrived in 3 minutes, surrounded her car, and arrested the man. I am SO GRATEFUL for that QUICK-THINKING attendant - my sister could have been killed‼️*




NEVER.... EVER.... let a stranger in your vehicle! EVER!!!!

Edit: To all the responses about Uber, Lyft and taxi driver; while they are strangers, someone knows you were picked up. I, however, never use these modes of transportation because these drivers would be strangers to me.


I saw this... Soo happy this man and his son didn't get hurt! Police did a great job getting this man off the streets!


My Grandfather was murderer by a man asking for a ride at a Florida gas station. NEVER let a stranger in your vehicle. They take Kindness for a Weakness.


I used to pick up hitchhikers and feed homeless people often. There was a man in his 50’s I’d say, who walked the same road I drove on to get to the nearest convenience store. I saw him the first 2-3 times and didn’t pick him up those times.

The next time I saw him, it was super hot out. I stopped and he got in. He ended up getting out at the same store I was going to and we went our separate ways. A week or so later, I saw him again and asked him to hop in and I’d take him home. He was carrying bags of food and it was still really hot out.

I recall he was really quiet. Wasn’t much of a talker. As he got out my car, he turned to me and said, “You seem like a really nice young lady. I appreciate the ride but din’t ever pick me up again.”

I’m not sure why he said that. I have no clue. However, it creeped me out so much, that I’ve never picked anyone else up since that day.
I really felt like he was having urges to hurt me or something. Maybe not but that’s how he made me feel at the time. I’ll never forget it. It really scared me.


mama always told me NEVER PICKUP A HITCHHIKER PERIOD glad him and his son is ok


I’ve unfortunately smelled what death or dead bodies smell like and it’s a smell like no other that the moment you smell it you automatically know what it is!!!! I’m so thankful that this man and his son survived their encounter with that sick(mentally twisted) murderer!!!! I worked at a place in downtown Winston Salem, N.C. and above my company were6 apartments, my boss owned the entire building. A person walking by came in and said someone is trying to throw what looks like a body out the window upstairs so we all (7seven of us) ran outside to look and we seen a guy in the window struggling w/something and he was covered in blood! My boss immediately called the police. My sister lived upstairs we ran up there to see if she was home and thankfully she was and was safe but there was a strange horrible odor in the Hallway and staircase leading to the Apartment doors and it was Death’s odor Anyway the guy had murdered his girlfriend 2 days before because she was cheating (that’s his story) and he flipped out on her and stabbed her like over 80 times!!!! You Never forget that smell no matter how long ago u encountered it Stay safe my friends!!!!


Keep living right, your angels are protecting you and your family 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Something similar happened to my grandfather. We were living in Alaska. It was winter vacation and he just dropped us off at my grandma's in Wasilla and was driving back to Sterling, AK (like a few hundred mile drive) when he picked up a man who was hitching. The man had a duffle bag. He drove this man about a 100 miles. Talking and stopped for coffee. He finally let him out where he wanted off. A fkn week later the man gets arrested out of a stolen vehicle, with the owner chopped up in the duffle bag, in the trunk.... It could have been my grandfather!! Grandpa was a very large man though. 6 foot and ALASKA farm raised tough. I'm willing to bet that's the only reason the guy didn't try it. Still crazy.


Growing up in Mississippi our neighbors neighbor was a murderer. When I was probably 13 years old I was playing in the woods not far from his house with my sister and her friend, we all stumbled upon a black trash bag and went to see what was in it. As we got closer we saw blood on the outside and a bit of hair sticking out the top. My sister got scared and convinced us to leave before we ever had the chance to open it up. Dude ended up getting caught a few years later and it was discovered that he had murdered 3 women and buried them under the local bar. I still look back on it with an eerie feeling, only realizing later in life that had the man caught us so close to the bag he may have murdered us as well.


Please never do that again! Both of your lives were in danger! God was with you! Bless you!


We learned multiple decades ago not to pick up hitchhikers.


Thank God his son & him are safe. I worked close( maximum) custody in a men's prison for over a decade. I have read crime jackets that make the worst horror films sound like Wiley Coyote. I don't ever repeat details because of ethical reasons, my integrity, and so not to further injure the families & loved ones that could possibly stumble upon my comments. I will say that not all monsters are stupid, crazy ( in any sense of the word), and they certainly don't look like the bogey man. It actually makes sense because that's part of what makes their actions even more heinous. Trust your gut and always watch your back!!!


I picked up an elderly man in a suit walking from visiting his son in prison in Tiptonville Tennessee and he looked very normal. I listened to his story on the way to pick my wife up from work and he explained he just visited his son to tell him goodbye and was on his way to Memphis to kill his son's mother, his wife, for cheating after decades of marriage. He pulled the kitchen knife he had out of his pocket that he planned to use. I had my hand on my side arm the rest of the trip. I dropped him off at the exit my wife's work was on, 104 exit in dyersburg, and told him this is as far as I can take him. He got out and kept walking towards Memphis. I contacted the police and when I picked up my wife we argued til after supper about it because she hates that I cant pass up hitchhikers. I haven't picked one up since


Thank God your okay and I'm glad he got caught
