3 Signs You Are Idolizing Relationships and Marriage: God Won't Bless You With An Idol

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One reason many people remain single is because they have idolized relationships and marriage in their hearts. God won't bless you with an idol. In this video you will learn 3 signs that show you are idolizing relationships and you will learn what you should do if you are idolizing relationships or marriage.

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I needed this. I'm guilty of idolizing relationships but the Lord convicted me about it. That's why I'm learning to enjoy my singleness and if I never have a mate, I know God knows best.


Whatever you idolize in your heart, God will withhold from you. Praying God changes my intention to go from attracting a man to pleasing him, not so he can bless me but so I can learn to glorify him in everything.


I idolized a relationship so badly that God corrected strongly and He kept speaking to me “I Am the Lord your God and beside me there is no other”, ! It took me years to figure out why He kept telling me that because I was so focused on my exhausting, halted idol of a relationship!


Great word. Just 2 days ago while praying, God revealed to me that I have made my husband an idol. All I could do was accept what He told me and now return to my first love. The one true and living God.


It's hard because I lost my dad and both my parents are with God. I love God but I pray that God brings me a Godly man. I know He loves me but I become extremely lonely with my friends having their own lives with their own families. Please pray for me. I'm doing a lot better than I did last year but I really want a family.


I'm guilty of this! Lord please forgive me!


I believe romantic relationships are placed in high priority in today's society. To not be in one at a certain age, can cause others to judge that person's sexuality or value as a human being. I think this is a great video that you posted. 🤗


This is a struggle. Especially when you are trying to heal from a toxic relationship with a narc. You want so bad to relieve that uneasiness with another person. Oh abba, please fill all of the empty places within me


This is going to be a pivotal point in my Christian walk. Idolatry is my sin. You nailed it. I totally see myself in these words. I'm so grateful for this video. Amen.


A 19-20 year-old gets married and everyone rejoices and never thinks that the person who left singleness LITERALLY THE MOMENT THEY HAD THE OPPORTUNITY made marriage an idol. But the 30-40 year-old single who has prayed and hoped and waited on God's blessing and who dares to be honest about how much they are suffering, frustrated, and confused gets subtly accused of making marriage an idol.


Idolizing means putting somebody/something on a pedestal.


This was so helpful...I have idolized relationships in the past. Repent, put God first in my heart. I am doing the work right now


I never thought about Chronic Singless being a possible symptom of idolizing relationships. I've been chronically single, but I think at least for me, it's partly to do with a fear of getting hurt since I remember what it felt like to get my heart broken. I still want to be married but I want God to be in control.


I'm guilty of this. I'm very interested in someone to the point where he was the only thing that could make me happy. Everything between me and this guy has gone wrong. It got to the point where I started to get into tarot, new age, and obsession. He rejected me, threatened me, and broke my heart to the point of suicide attempts. I've realized that I made him an idol and I need God to save me🙏


Oh Lord conviction after conviction after conviction


Very well said! Just realized I'm guilty of doing this. Especially giving up and abandoning God's word to be in a 'relationship.' That never worked out, now I know why.


Brother Mark, recently discovered you in youtube n i love it . Im nearing 40. Pliz pray for me for a godly man ... fr india


I was one that NEVER went on a date and NEVER wanted to go out because I've seen so much of the wrong approaches by Christians to Christian and non-Christians on the dating scene. I stayed away. However, this was not do to fear, this was in preserving myself to receive my husband! We cannot just open ourselves up to just anyone. We must open our hearts to the right people. The word tells us to guard our hearts. Good video to help though. We need to stop idolizing. The devil deceives many with this sin.


I prayed to God in the morning about showing me what idolatry in relationships means and if I have committed this sin in the past. Your video popped up in the evening. Praise the Lord!


This was awesome! I agree with you about obeying God and keeping God first. That is the key. Everything else will fall into place. I'm a new subscriber and I love your videos.
