AMD’s 128 Core MONSTER - Epyc Bergamo

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AMD has done it again, cramming 128 cores into their 4th generation EPYC server CPU and calling it ‘Bergamo’. But what exactly is Zen4c, and what’s it supposed to do?

Special thanks to @wolfmanmods1428

Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.


Intro: Laszlo - Supernova

Outro: Approaching Nirvana - Sugar High

0:00 Intro
1:18 How did they do it?
3:24 Let's Build!
7:17 Picking a lane
9:54 This deserves a case
12:15 Taking it for a little spin
16:00 Not so delicious after all
17:05 Don't try this at home. Or work. Or anywhere.
18:13 It had to happen.
22:28 Outro
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At 6:17 Linus uses the unit 'foot pounds' where he should have used 'pound force inches.' We're working to update the video.


I was looking for a CPU to run Cities Skylines II at a least 15 fps, I think this one will do.


I can’t wait to spec out a full system I’ll never afford just to see how insane the performance would be😂


The most insane feature of Bergamo is its power efficiency. Wendel from Level1Tech mentioned that Zen4c is even more power efficient than most currently available ARM CPUs


Linus - buys and implements full workshop with cnc
Also Linus - only have this one heatsink


I was genuinely shocked at Linus using a non-LTT screwdriver.


I use to work in a factory that made telecom servers. And one day coming to the work there was a batch from might shift where every single server blade of the production line overheated.

Open upp the first. The plastic cover was still on the cpu, the second.. well every one of them.

Well someone asked the dude that assebmled them and he claim that there was no part in the instructiin to remove the plastic cap.

The person who made the instruction thought it was so obvius so he didnt write it.


What an epic analysis! I can't wrap my processor around the fact that this beast accommodates 128 cores. Good point about the tech in high-end chips eventually trickling down to our home PCs. From raid controllers to cloud-based workloads, it's fascinating how our everyday tech is influenced by these monstrous CPUs. Thanks for the thorough walkthrough, I was on the edge of my seat - almost fell off when you started to spray the coolant! Maybe next time you can try gaming with a liquid nitrogen cooling setup, just to keep things chill. Looking forward to seeing more from the wild world of CPUs!


This video was the last video my dad sent to me before he passed away last week. He was a genius with newer PC technology and I relied on him a lot for any computer questions I had. Recently, I had asked him if he knew of any CPUs that I could upgrade to, and he sent me a link to this. I knew he was looking around to find me something powerful for gaming but within budget before he passed. I'm not exactly fluent when it comes to computer parts, and most of the finer details in this video have gone over my head, but someday I want to learn what it all means.

I currently run an AMD FX 8350 but it seems to be somewhat incompatible with my new NVIDIA GeForce 3070- it reaches max CPU usage and gets hot when trying to run games such as Baldur's Gate 3- and now fails to run beyond the title screen. I've tried delegating my GPU to handle my gaming apps with high performance prioritized, but saw no improvement between the games or what task manager clocked my CPU at.

I feel strange asking the youtube comment section, but I was hoping if anybody who knew their computers would be able to tell me if the Bergamo would be worth investing in for an upgrade?


We do cloud computing and have been discussing and testing vCPU ratios and core contention. The performance effects of overlapping VM vCPU and VMs with more vCPUs is something we are always tweaking and eventually resolving with better hardware. It’s something that is surprisingly more strange than straightforward, since VMs experience slowdowns from neighboring VMs on the same CPUs/clusters/cores/caches. The perception of performance is related more to cumulative contention at any given instant than it is to peak capability (specifically in reference to user-facing experiences, not infrastructure which can often be measured in terms of load metrics).

In many cases, there is no direct software solution, which leads to scale up or scale out.

For us, the only way to see how the hardware perform is to benchmark and create these scenarios to see how we can load balance physical and virtual systems. My hope is that the 4c provides better small-mid scale VM performance and responsiveness in a way that is affordable for our needs.


Generally speaking those "cloud native workloads" are based around virtualization and/or containers. For example, you generally give a container soft/hard cpu and memory limits. Then run lots of them per system. The more cpu and memory you have the more you can allocate. Linus made a comment about them not needing to share memory between cores and that is generally correct in this type of workloads.


I wanna see this CPU run GPU tasks.
Like, i wanna see DirectX ported to the CPU and have it run something like Doom 2016.


I always think about how sooner or later they'll just run out of Italian cities and they'll have to use smaller and smaller tows. Like, imagine AMD EPYC BASSANO DEL GRAPPA


yes mom, I need it for my power point.


It would be awesome to see such a cpu compiling a big project like the linux kernel or something else to see how fast it is, the clock may not be so fast but so many threads could do it so fast I can't imagine


15 years ago, 128 cores where only available in compute clusters with high speed network interconnect.. I remember preparing computationnal fluid dynamics on this type of cluster and waiting a few days in the queue to run a 32 core job...


As a server technician that works on these daily, I'm happy you mentioned the motherboard CPU pins and what problems just one can cause.


Linus the way Maxons bucket rendering works the larger memory you have the larger bucket it has. Bucket rendering with small cells was designed to prevent out of meory errors or slow disk swaps on systems with little memory. The new version automatically optimises bucket size, which you can manually do on say Arnold or Vray.


Comparing a server CPU to an enthusiast CPU is like comparing a semi truck to a sports car. It'll pull way more weight, but it's not built for speed (frames in games)


glad to see AMD crushing the competition my 3800X is still killin it till this day.
