Other Realities: How Do We Compare? - Tom Campbell

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One of a series of questions answered by Tom Campbell for a special Patreon subscribers and donors Q & A.

This question focuses on the characteristics of the many other virtual realities Tom has discovered and how they compare to the virtual reality we live in as far as the growth potential for our learning.

00:00:00 Intro
00:00:24 The transition reality
00:00:36 The out of body reality
00:54:00 A dream- like reality
01:15:00 A physical reality
02:06:00 The "I'm done" reality
03:56:06 Other realities in comparison to our reality
05:42:00 Connecting to who we are collectively
07:15:00 Egalitarian or Empire?
Please consider supporting our channel-thank you! For a minimum donation of $10 a month you can join our special Patreon VIP Q & A sessions on Zoom with Tom Campbell four times a year:

Tom's binaural beats in English and German are available on the Soundwise platform here...

Exploring Consciousness and the Larger Reality with Thomas Campbell* A Virtual Imaginality(tm) Product is available on the Soundwise platform here...

Tom's Park A Virtual Imaginality(tm) Product training program is available on the Soundwise platform here...

Tom Campbell’s last in person event by MBT Events will be held in Spain in 2025!

*The reference to healing in this video and links if any refers to consciousness exercises, and is not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure and disease. Please seek professional medical advice for all physical and mental conditions.

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Great stuff. Thank you. It can be quite a challenge, this growing up thing, but I've made progress. I guess a lot depends on where you're starting from in any given incarnation. I'm almost ten years younger than you Tom, but I feel worn out a lot of the time. I've been surrounded by a lot of challenging people all my life. Your work has been an inspiration the last few years.


Years ago I came to find the edge of this reality and felt like a captive almost like a prisoner that was very depressing for me. Then as time passed and I worked on my fears and found courage and addressed my ego I no longer feel like I am suffocating in a prison, Its more like welcomed community service. Me and most of the guards get along pretty well now.


In the end, we are believing him, if take his informational experience as truth. Belief is what gets you lost.


Love your videos, great information, thanks Tom


Excelente y maravillosa descripción de las múltiples realidades, " en la casa del padre hay muchas mansiones, " muchas gracias Profesor Tom lo admiro por su agudeza mental y espiritual, lo saludo desde México.


I’m confused by this video. Tom said before that Earth was like a kindergarten. So why is he in this video saying there are very few if any realities more advanced than here?


Айнаға қарап беті әдемі екенін көріп, бірақ қартайып кеткенін байқап айнаға ұрысатын ертегі бар еді ғой. Сосын жазығы жоқ қызға улы алма беріп өлтіруге тырысқан. Сол ертегі психологиялық ақиқат


Көп сөзіңізді құптаймын Том ақсақал, бірақ сөз -жақсы денсаулыққа жеткізу керек. Сіздің де менің де денсаулығымыз керемет емес, менің жағдайым Тажжалмен кездескенде құри бастады, ол мені өлтіруге тырысып қара магия жасаған, бірақ тірі қалдым. Енді сізбен кездессек деп Америкаға барайын десем, ол оңай шаруа емес екен, green card алу туралы ізденіп едім басым қатып кетті. Жиырма бес жылдай йогамен айналысып ізденіп тапқан білімім бар, сонымен бөліссем деп едім.
