Standing waves on the 'A' string of a guitar: animation and frequency of harmonics. #shorts
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We animate the harmonics or standing waves on the A string of a guitar: animation and frequency of harmonics including the scientific pitch notation for each note.
The fundamental tone, or first harmonic involves a standing wave with only one antinode at the center of the string, and for the A string of a guitar this has a frequency of 110Hz yielding an A2 note.
The first overtone, or second harmonic on the string, involves a standing wave with two antinodes oscillating with a frequency of 220Hz or an A3 note.
The next harmonic on the string is the second overtone or third harmonic, oscillating with a frequency of 330Hz with three antinodes to give us a note of E4.
Next, we animate the harmonic with 4 antinodes, and this one has a frequency of 440Hz giving us an A4 note.
The fifth harmonic oscillates with a frequency of 550Hz which is approximately a C5# note and has five antinodes in the standing wave.
Finally, when the string is plucked, we will hear all the harmonics with lower amplitude for the higher harmonics. We animate the mix of all the harmonics from 1 to 5 and mix the audio to give a sense for the overall tone of the A string on the guitar.