Spring Cottage Garden | Spring Garden Prep | Slow Living Ireland | Cottage Garden Tour

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~ Daffodil Days ~

"Come join me in the cottage garden, where I'll continue with the spring jobs; uprooting and replanting existing plants to create a better garden arrangement, and adding some new ornamental features and plants.

Hope you enjoy this video, and please remember to hit the like and subscribe button, as this really helps the growth of my channel and allows me to continue to make content for everyone to enjoy." – Gillian x

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If you haven't already done so, please show your support by subscribing to my channel, as this really helps the growth and reach of my channel, and will allow me to continue to make free content for everyone to enjoy! Thank you💖


It is a gift in this world to give to others pure innocent joy. May the earth know the peace you provide all of us❤


As always I love spending the day with you . Being 81 now and living in an apartment I no longer have my flower gardens like I did when I lived in Montana . I always love to dig in the dirt and plant flowers so it's so much fun to be with you as you work in your garden I am so glad that pickles is doing better and MrPup was proud of his haircut. Blessings and love from New Mexico


Как мне нравиться ваша скамеечка перед домом❤Так бы и сидела там с котиками и наслаждалась жизнью))


❤ I enjoyed your busy day in the garden very much.
So nice to see it looks like spring and the happy kitties playing in the beds.
It is hard work but it gives an impression of peace and beauty 🌱🌿🐕‍🦺🐈🐄 💚 💖


Such a lovely video, and beautiful music to accompany it. Pup looked so cute with his new hair cut. The kitties all looked like they are friends together, even with Charlie! Thank goodness the lovely Pickle is better, and his fur is crowing back behind his ear again. Love and hugs from Jilly, and licks and a very long waggy tail from my black rescue greyhound Madge! xxx


Good morning, good morning, to day Gillian IS Motherearth! 😊 For our pleasure🥰🧚😸


Haha! Charlie looks comatose when he's asleep❤


So glad Pickle is better. As always a beautiful video ❤ And a delight to see the garden and the kitties 😸


I just found your channel this past week and I absolutely love it so much! ❤ I have been playing tons of your videos in the background during my work day (I work from home in the USA). I love how beautiful and relaxing and peaceful your videos are. And I especially love seeing all the kitties! I am a cat person and have 2 currently. One that rescued us (short hair black cat, Midnight) and one my husband surprised me with as a kitten in 2022 (Scottish Fold named Ziggs).
Ireland has always been the number one country I want to visit some day. Some of my ancestors are from Ireland. And I’ve always found it to be absolutely beautiful.
I truly appreciate your artistic style of videos, they have a magical feel to them that radiates peace and love. ✨ 😊


Hello Dear Gillian, a very lovely video, you've worked a lot in the garden !! Pickle is very glad now, soooo good !! The gremlin (perfect nickname ha ha !!) is very calm only when he is sleeping, so funny !! As a little piece of Art, I found your Valentine chocolate absolutely sublime !!... Jasmine, honeysuckle, you'll have wonderful smells for this spring and summer, you are very creative in the garden too !! I enjoyed this new video, you show how having a garden is work before pleasure, ha ha !! Here, daffodils are very careful, waiting for weather sweeter next days coming, we had very rare sun this special winter...so patience, let's wait and see the beautiful work of Nature, she knows so well... Have a very nice week et à bientôt, bravo !!💖😻💝 Astrid


Hello from France dear Gillian☘, it will be a delight to see you again soon, a great joy live, friendly hugs, 😍💚👍🐶😻🐄🐞🐝🌱🌷


I feel like I've received a great big hug from a dear friend, when I watch your videos. Thank you for all your hard work, warmth and kindness Gillian - love to you and all your fur babies 💖


Good morning, Gillian!
I’m watching from California, USA. I love your channel as well as all things Irish!💖


Every one of your videos fill me with love and kindness as well as making me hungry! Thank you so much!! And it makes me lonesome for my wee garden. We just had a days long snow storm… this snow is here to stay… maybe 8 inches and strong winds drifted it up into drifts as tall as fences!! I am blessed with a young man who worked for one and a half hours hand digging me out…. Bless his cotton socks !! Love your vlogs… know please, how inspiring they are…. Thank you for your time, imagination, artistry and calmness🙏❤️


Your country is so beautiful, agriculture is always important. Those who understand farming will know how difficult it is.. those who have experienced it will understand


Thank you Gillian. Happy Spring to your family and please tell Mr Pup that I ❤ him, his haircut and his little dog walk 😁💕🌼


Peaceful and gentle, it gives me a feeling of relaxation when watching this video ❤


I love the Honey Suckle, how nice to see the Fur Babies helping you 😊❤


Love to see your kitties "help" in your garden too.
