Spring Cottage Garden Catch-Up: Mulching, Pruning, and Exciting Plans! 🌿'

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Welcome back to the cottage garden 🌸 In today's video, join me for a relaxing day in the garden as I tackle those cluttered corners and catch up on all the Spring tasks I've been putting off. From mulching the flower beds to pruning hydrangeas and fixing up the lawn, we've got a lot to do! But don't worry, this isn't just about work - I'll also be sharing some exciting plans for a brand new garden border that I can't wait to get started on. AND, come with me to the warehouse to sign all of your pre-orders for my new book " Heart & Home"

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Here are the seeds I sowed in the greenhouse this Spring:
Zinnia Queeny Mixed,
Zinnia Aztec Sunset Improved,
Zinnia Elegans Forecast,
Zinnia elegans Zinderella Peach,
Calendula Playtime Mix,
Cosmos Cupcakes - Mixed,
Cosmos Bipinnatus Apricot Lemonade,
Sunflower Claret,
Sunflower Harlequin Mix F1,
Sweet Pea Pink Cupid,
Sweet Pea Top to Bottom,

I am delighted to announce that my second book "Heart & Home" by Catherine Carton, will be released later this Spring. I wanted to share some insights into the book process, so if you were curious about sales, etc., I hope you find this chatty Q&A insightful.

The book is packed with home and garden projects, from wall panelling to growing your garden. Whatever space you are in, I share my tips for putting your heart into your home.

The release date is May 6th for Ireland.

The book will be available from all major retailers, including Amazon. However, they will not have signed copies.

Keep an eye on future videos or my Instagram for details of upcoming

Order my first book now:

Carving time out of our hectic, plugged-in lives to play and create can bring stillness and satisfaction. The projects in my book are for everyone, so take a break from the world, reignite your creative spark and make your home a little bit more beautiful!

In my book, I share over fifty of my favourite projects, from upcycling, crafting, sewing, painting and gardening, many of which take unloved items and make them shine again.

Bookstation ships internationally.

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Instagram: @daintydressdiaries

Music: Epidemic Sound

*affiliate links and ads. I use auto ADs on Youtube. Although ADs are annoying, they help pay for all the free content I create for you. Members can watch AD-free videos and get a 1st look at weekly uploads.
I really appreciate your support on my blog and Youtube channel at this time. I always read through the comments, and I really appreciate your kindness. I try to heart and reply to as many as I can. THANK YOU :)

** Please take care when using power tools and machines. While I've made every effort to make sure this video contains accurate information, I'm not a professional and am not responsible for any direct or indirect damages that may occur in connection to the information contained here. Please complete the projects featured on my channel at your own risk and consult a professional if you have any questions. Get creative, but stay safe!

#springgarden #cutflowers #ireland #gardening #cottagestyle #cottagegarden
Рекомендации по теме

Is it to late to get a signed copy of your new book?? I have the first one :)


Who cares what's on the telly, Catherine is on! 🥳❤


You are a real selfmade-woman, dear Catherine. Indeed. Always on the move, always striving forward.Didn't your arms and hand hurt from all the work and signing in the warehouse??? Take my respect.❤


Just have to say - your white kitty has absolutely stolen my heart completely! They are both beautiful kitties, but, oh my! His personality! His gentleness! His absolute devotion to you. He’s constantly studying your every move - he loves you so much ❤️


About the sunflowers: usually when seedling become leggy, it's because there is not enough sunlight. Even on the South facing windowsill this can happen. That's why I use specific grow lights. Also "moving" their stem by using a fan or just simply stroking them with your hands every day might thicken the stem a bit. Hope this might help a bit :)
I press my thumbs for you! ( That's how we say in Germany " Good luck!")
Greetings from Berlin!


The perfect plant for your front shade garden is Lungwort. It is beautiful. Flowers all spring and the veriegated leaves are gorgeous all summer


Catherine on the sunflowers, try putting fans on them to simulate the wind. If you only have one fan, turn the plants from time to time. It should help the stems grow stronger overall. 🌻


Love watching all your new projects Catherine have just joined as normally watch you on my tv, but have started watching on my ipad now. I am 79 years young, bake, sew, , craft, decorate and garden. Like everyone I am frustrated with all thewet weather here in Nth Yorkshire it has held the gardening up! X


I am so excited. I got a notification that your book has been dispatched. I bought it knowing it would arrive for my birthday but forgot, so I surprised myself for my birthday, lol. I can't wait. :)


Dear, don't worry. Late is just that, late. I got a new roof and solar panels last year and they forgot to remove the scaffolding. After the umpteenth call, it is finally away. My greenhouse stood there, so I had to skip seedlings and food plants normally in the greenhouse. Thiesles? It took me a while to understand Thistles with a short-sounding I, like in dim. Deutzia and Heuchera are the Latin pronunciation and the EU doesn't exist in English. It is a one sound. Ain't Brunnera beautiful, the blue flowers <3 The sunflowers need a deep covering like Lathyrus. If you plant them deeper it will turn out all right. And put those Dahlia in the ground, we only get frost above the ground in May, not deep winter frost that reaches into the ground. It depends on the breed when they show up, the Bischops are early, and the bigger, filled heads are later. I got a North garden at street level, and a huge South garden at the back of my house. North lives a peeping Tom who peeks in my windows. I've got flowering bushes in front so I am invisible. I don't see him, I see my lovely flowers, much better.


Hello to our Irish cutie ! My best friend since 1978 is Irish, born on St. Patrick's day. 😁


What a fun video today! Love the flower show. Maybe a name for your bee property could be "Bee land"!! Sending very best wishes for your mom & your family. Be strong.


Grew sunflowers in the back garden a few years ago by planting the seeds in the ground around April and they always grew into big flowers


Hi sweet Catherine 😊 I remember you building a small bar area for gathering of friends in your backyard. I think I started watching your channel around that time. You sure have did a lot in and out of your home. Very proud of you 👍🏼 Thank you for entertaining us all. God bless you 😊🙏


Thanks for the garden " inspection" tour. Looks like a planting video will be coming soon.😊 Glad to hear your planning your front garden beautification. You deserve that upgraded view and your cats get a better second chance on their window tv.😂


Great job darling. You got a lot done. Glad about the guy doing your raise beds. Can hardly wait. Thanks again for sharing this with us.💯💯💯🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


I came across your channel a few weeks ago. It has quickly become my favorite! I always have a cup of tea as I watch. ❤


Hi Catherine, I am behind too in my garden, what with the weather and changing all the carpets in my house, plus getting it ready to sell too, it has been neglected somewhat! We managed to find a couple of hours this week for a little tidy up before it rained again. Today is a lovely day here in Somerset, and you have inspired me to go potter after lunch, so thank you for that.


Oh my gosh there is my book!!! 😍 It’s been mailed coming to me in Tucson, Arizona, USA. Can’t wait. Catherine I’m praying success for you!


Hi Catherine. Some stepping stones would look nice from the path, down to the green house. It will save you wearing down the grass too.
