The $4.6 Billion Dollar Mistake of EPCOT

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#epcot #epcotcenter

00:00 - Introduction
02:19 - Sponsorship
03:56 - 1960 | The Prototype City
06:34 - 1970 | After Walt's Passing
10:29 - 1980 | EPCOT Center Opens
11:24 - 90/00s | The Tomorrow Problem
15:15 - 90/00s | World Showcase Struggles
17:03 - Present | EPCOT Struggles

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I would argue that nothing has hurt Epcot as much as the reliance on sponsorship. Its history alone shows how many things had to be canceled because the sponsors didn’t like it or couldn’t pay for it. Especially Kodak.


I don't get when make say Epcot doesn't have an identity. It's a permanent world's fair in essence. My only gripe is that I wish more countries would be added to the showcase.


To me Epcot is a permanent world's fair. It is actually my favorite park. I love that each part is different. I hope the new neighborhood concept doesn't ruin it.


It's exactly this failed futurism that attracts me to Epcot. Retro-futurism is fun in itself (hello Tomorrowland!) but the added layer of perpetual 1980s World's Fair pathos is SO unique that I hope they never completely abandon it. It might even be useful to lean heavily into it.

The one thing I'd like to see more of however: optimism. Optimism for the future instead of gazing fondly at what was or what might have been.

For example: as much as Test Track 2.0 is a commercial for Chevrolet, its overriding theme is boundless enthusiasm for future transportation tech. Same with Mission: Space.

More of this, please. Less of Frozen & MCU IP in the park.


I guess my taste in Disney parks is different than others. My favorites are Epcot and Animal Kingdom.


It worked okay. When things really went downhill for futureworld was when the internet took hold in the 90s, and corporations really no longer needed to showcase their new tech in person. Like the 50s and 60s modernism plagued tomorrowland, the 80s modern design also got old even quicker. Funny how the 60s retrofuture seems to be coming in again.


Exactly. When EPCOT was built Walt Disney’s ethos still had a hand in it’s creation. The future was something viewed with hopefulness. Since Michael Eisner left the company, it has been led by corporate bean counters with no vision for the future. Future World suffered the most, languishing into irrelevance.


I love Epcot because it was there, 10 years after I graduated from high school where I had studied Japanese for four years, that I was able to order a beer in Japanese at the Japan pavilion and impress my dad.


For those of us who do not need rides and electronic chaos, the learning about the culture of other countries face to face is amazing for those who don't travel there


People singing optimistically and enthusiastically about the 21st century.
Me living in the 21st century: 🤨


While I agree that IP's shouldn't be in future world, I feel it's completely acceptable in the world's showcase honestly. I understand that the IP's might not really be culturally relevant to the individual countries they represent, but I think it's a necessity if you want kids to be interested in EPCOT. If the adults can go drinking their way around the world, a few IP attractions for the kids is quite alright with me. Also I think that IP's like Mary Poppins and Coco are actually really good pavilion tie ins.


I like Epcot, but mostly because of the food.


And yet despite all this negativity, it remains the worlds 7th most visited theme park in the world.


"The least defined"? Clearly, sir, you have never started your day with a margarita that tastes like chewing tobacco mixed with like, all the tequila and ended it ten drinks later on the amazing, life changing experience that is riding Livin' with the Land after eight hours of drinking in Florida's heat and humidity.


Futurism doesn’t hold the same appeal that it did in the 20th century. It used to be difficult to find out what was coming. Now we have access to all the info we need, and we have a certain amount of future-satiation these days with the regular and rapid release of futurey products. I no longer yearn for a future that seems to unfold daily, and I no longer need a theme park to be my informer of that future.


The last time i was in Epcot some drunk mom tried to fight me for reading a menu she wanted to read first


EPCOT was never the same after Horizons closed down.


I think you've really nailed the problem with current leadership. They're producing attractions that are hollow and superficial, carried only by the novelty of the attached IP. It's extremely frustrating to see the legacy of creativity in this company being destroyed by Iger and Chapek. Part of the issue is simply arrogance, thinking that the Disney market is locked in. Universal may also be IP based, but their newer attractions are absolutely blowing me away with the creativity and effort that they've put into them. I think we're seeing the start of the decline of Disney parks. With so many new attractions ranging from mediocre to outright bad, it's a sad state to see this company in.


It doesn't take a genius to see why an entertainment company, bereft of their visionary founder, would be reluctant to pursue the creation and maintenance of an actual working community.


Disney should never have promised the sponsors that they would rebuild and refresh their rides every 2-3 years.
That's insane ! Michael Eisner was the one who really destroyed the rides at Epcot.
They did not listen to their guests when the guests complained the rides are not as good as the original versions. 🤓
