The Benefits of ADHD

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Welcome to The Mental Breakdown and Psychreg Podcast! Today, Dr. Berney and Dr. Marshall discuss some of the positive things that come from the symptoms of ADHD.

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I love this so much. I was only recently diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD as an adult, and only after a brain injury worsened it and made it super obvious. It's made me think a lot about, if I have children in the future, how I don't want them in the regular school system, because I feel it crushed me so much growing up. I'm smart, but it made me feel stupid and lazy, and I don't want my children to feel that who they are as a person is wrong in any way. It's so easy to feel like you're not enough, because this world was not designed for us at all


I have never been prouder to have adhd! I was diagnosed at 7, and in school it was a curse, but as an adult I used it to my advantage. God bless the teaching here.


Put this to 1.5 somehow feels more natural, and i can still pay attention


It took a lot of will power having adhd, to sit and watch the entire video, and I also had to put it on 1.5x, but the one thing that kept getting my attention was the number of times the guy on the right would put his glasses on then immediately take them off xD like 20 times


Who put this on X2? You definitely have adhd❤️


Almost instantly I was bored with this video.


I sure it’s good but I got inpatient and skipped most of the video


LMAO^. Video was on point. I'm 33 with ADHD. Have known since I was a young child.


I watched the entire video and was about to talk about how fascinating the video was and how it helped me understand myself better.
but then i read the comments and questioned myself if i really y have an ADHD or ADD if i could watch the whole thing XD


Righ mm mhmm yeah righ mm hay ya right hm hm yeah interesting mm righ mm mmhmm yeah mmhm right


I’m 1:44 in and I didn’t hear a word they said.


It means ADHD people should belong to BC times. Current world is not suitable living place and time for ADHD people.


The only way I can fall asleep naturally is if I sleep deprive myself for more than 20 to 30 hours, and even then I wake up 2 hours later and stay up. I work 6 to 1 to 2 am. I'm a dishwasher at a busy restaurant. We are always the last ones out. One day I went to bed at 8, and woke up at 10, then I proceeded to go about my day while still getting home and not going to sleep till usually after seven which I'm doing now... just noticed that It is 7:52am rn 😐.


Anyone having trouble accessing the link?


The thing that happens with me is-I will want to add something to a conversation, but I will end up trailing of into a new conversation, I would bet that this comment is gonna be super long because I try to add every single detail because if I don’t, people will ask questions, and when they do that, I try to respond with a really long answer, but over the years, I have learned to catch myself trailing off and slowly getting louder, and when I do, I end up just stop talking, in order not to trail off, but that makes everybody confused, and then I end up making an awkward silence, thus ruining the conversation, so I am not the best at socializing, but I make a lot of friends because ADHD gives me a lot of skills, like drawing, I am left handed, unlike everyone else in my family and in my class


managed to Speed up the video... but could not get rid of that ringing telephone in the background. enjoyed it though.


bit of irony here with the slow pace of the video, still great info I presume, not that I was able to sit through it


Everything they said was said in an incredibly condescending way to those dealing with ADHD in my opinion. Nobody cares what “we” were good for back in the day and not now.


What about all the places that still have people starving


there is a thing i've learned about my adhd, it's that during school when we did something i was interested in we did it for a little while that one day then it could go a whole week or perhaps more before we did something similar again. meaning if i get stimulated with what i want to do i will have fun and also learn alot more than i would have just sitting around trying to listen, learn by doing and do it several days in a row then move on to something else interesting and repeat the process, you can absolutely NOT do that with current day school systems and i felt like i was always catching up because i couldn't focus a long enough time on the one thing to "properly" understand something i was doing.

what i mean is i don't just repeat what others have done before and learn from the mouth of others, i have to see the whole process of a thing and that will always be remembered, for example why is this screw here ? to keep this in place and why do this need to be in place ? because this can move and you don't want it to move, what if you want something within the thing that's not supposed to move so you need something else there and why how when and where needs to be understood.. you don't just learn it flimsily you learn the entire thing so it's accessed easier in the brain, might be a rough way to do it but you certainly learn what the actual thing is and could probably make it if you learned skills to make it

( for example metal working, cutting metal, welding, stamping etc. noticed what i did there? i went from understanding a thing to want to build a thing and wanted to learn metalworking. that's how you grab a student's attention that has adhd

* something to add, doing it this way you might get a million million questions that might be obvious to you and others but not the student with adhd as he/she is learning the whole process but the student is willing to learn this way also if they get hands on with the project

and a final word, adhd is not fun to have but it's good to find ways to make it useful, feels like your mind is racing ahead of you and you're getting dragged along with it.
