When Becoming A Shaman (Enlightened Hmong Shaman Perspective) - Ep. 1

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If you are 💥vibrating 💖 after listening to the drum song or feel a deep emotion flow through you after listening to the drum song and are serious about becoming an Enlightened Shamanic Practitioner....


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Disclaimer: There are no guarantees. All videos on this channel are from Master Shaman PaLiChee's aspect and views. All videos are for entertainment purposes only and are not meant to make any type of claim whatsoever.

#spirituallaws #shaman #selfhelp #spiritmessages #lawofattraction #hmongshaman #shamanicpractitioner #shamanicwisdom #shamanic #spiritualcoach
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If you liked this episode, please do me a little favor and click the Like button. I truly appreciate your kindness! Warmest blessings 💖✨💖


This is a really great channel, and I thank you for sharing your wisdom and insight. I have subscribed and look forward to watching more. Please keep going with these videos; your audience seems small now, but it deserves to be bigger, and I have confidence that it will be.


Thank you so much! I have quiet a few abilities my self and I'm still growing! I have Native American ancestry, and indigenous Mexican and Peruvian ancestors on my bio Fathers side.


Thank you, this was really helpful. I discovered I have a gift to work with birds. I probably always had it but it's now manifesting itself. But it's such a challenge. You're totally on point with the ego thing. It's being confronted each time. On the market square i can hold pigeons in my hand and I'm either receiving support from people or attacks. The birds trigger people strongly. And with the attacks for instance, my old wounds are being pressed so badly. This is quite the adventure. Looking forward to the other episodes.


The whole 6th sense thing is true. I used to watch horror movies all the time until I was older and they seems to affect me paranormally, Even now, I'll want to watch a horror movie and know that it will scare me so 1, I don't watch it alone and 2, when the music starts to make my heart race, I skip it. Or I just don't watch horror movies.


I agree with your message and am grateful that you are sharing this knowledge with everyone who comes across this video 💕🙏🏻🫴🏻💖
