The More Data You Have, The Further You Are From The Truth
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Produced by @chubbyemu
0:00 Pretext and context MD Anderson Cancer Center
1:42 The Early Experiences That Shaped Dr Msaouel
3:39 The System of Cancer Research In the United States
5:25 FDA Drug Approvals and Special Designations For Oncology
11:09 A trade-off in our current system
12:35 Whoops 😞 I misspoke
14:35 Randomized trials are not supposed to be representative of a population
18:10 Inference for the treatment of Katie Coleman (metastatic oncocytoma)
25:12 It is much more valuable to refute hypotheses than to confirm them
28:05 All Models Are Wrong, But Some Are Useful
30:05 Recasting the Bias-Variance Trade-off as the Patient Relevance-Robustness Trade-off
33:38 High Relevance, Low Robustness: Subjective Bayes
34:46 High Robustness, Low Relevance: Pure Randomization
41:47 Signal To Noise Ratio
45:49 The Big Data Paradox
53:41 How the Big Data Paradox fits in with Katie Coleman's case
54:33 How the Big Data Paradox fits in with other branches of medicine
57:54 How do we rectify subjectivity in The Truth?
01:00:43 How do we address the problems introduced by the Big Data Paradox?
01:04:21 Duality in nature and a Twitter argument re: the Evidence-Based Deep Medicine Iceberg
01:07:03 Why the ideas coming from MD Anderson are coming from MD Anderson
01:09:39 Where you can find Dr Msaouel
Production Assistant: Nick Brown
Secret channel: @BigEmus
Stephen Senn. Statistical Issues in Drug Development.
Causal inference and the data-fusion problem.
0:00 Pretext and context MD Anderson Cancer Center
1:42 The Early Experiences That Shaped Dr Msaouel
3:39 The System of Cancer Research In the United States
5:25 FDA Drug Approvals and Special Designations For Oncology
11:09 A trade-off in our current system
12:35 Whoops 😞 I misspoke
14:35 Randomized trials are not supposed to be representative of a population
18:10 Inference for the treatment of Katie Coleman (metastatic oncocytoma)
25:12 It is much more valuable to refute hypotheses than to confirm them
28:05 All Models Are Wrong, But Some Are Useful
30:05 Recasting the Bias-Variance Trade-off as the Patient Relevance-Robustness Trade-off
33:38 High Relevance, Low Robustness: Subjective Bayes
34:46 High Robustness, Low Relevance: Pure Randomization
41:47 Signal To Noise Ratio
45:49 The Big Data Paradox
53:41 How the Big Data Paradox fits in with Katie Coleman's case
54:33 How the Big Data Paradox fits in with other branches of medicine
57:54 How do we rectify subjectivity in The Truth?
01:00:43 How do we address the problems introduced by the Big Data Paradox?
01:04:21 Duality in nature and a Twitter argument re: the Evidence-Based Deep Medicine Iceberg
01:07:03 Why the ideas coming from MD Anderson are coming from MD Anderson
01:09:39 Where you can find Dr Msaouel
Production Assistant: Nick Brown
Secret channel: @BigEmus
Stephen Senn. Statistical Issues in Drug Development.
Causal inference and the data-fusion problem.