Finding water Ruwa organic farm : Water dowsing : What is water witching:How does water dowsing work

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This man was using a method taught to him by his father to find the right place to dig for water on our farm, called water dowsing or water witching.

What is water dowsing?
"Water dowsing" refers in general to the practice of using a forked stick, rod, pendulum, or similar device to locate underground water, minerals, or other hidden or lost substances.

What is water witching?
Water witching, more commonly known as dowsing, is considered a type of divination used to try to locate things that exist underground, including water, oil, precious metals and ores, gemstones, and even buried bodies.

Does water dowsing work? Water Dowsing copper rods
Yes it does, it worked for us and the many people this man did it for. We now have a well with lots of water. Click on the link in the video to see.

After many years in the diaspora and starting to think of retirement back home ,we ,(my wife and I) started to brainstorm different ideas.

We settled on free range organic chicken farming! 🥚🐣🐓😍. We will also grow organic vegetables.

We have lived in the United Kingdom for just over 20 years with our five children who were all home educated.

While living in the U.K we became very aware of food standards because food was not the same as what we had left behind.

Very early on we started buying organic food and wild fish. We would like to continue on this path of healthy eating and growing our own food.

The chickens will be pasture raised. We are implementing a permaculture farming method.

We will also be using the regenerative agriculture approach to help the soils get all the necessary nutrients.

We bought the land which had lots of gum trees which took a lot of nutrients out of the soil. We need to add these back using the regenerative agriculture approach.

We will use this platform to share information we learn along the way.

There was a pond on the farm which has dried out but we need to revive it as part of permaculture farming.

What is permaculture?

It involves taking care of the earth and working with it. We will be using systems like rain capture and solar systems. Trying to be off grid as much as possible.

#RuwaOrganicFarm #WaterWitching #WaterDowsing #WaterWitchingCopperRods #WaterWitchingRods #WaterDowsingRods
Рекомендации по теме

Wode Mayo's follower and I became yours too. The power of networking


Wode Maya made me to know you and you are doing great 👍


Awesome technique. From Wodemaya's video.


I'm here via our brother Wode Maya! Will eagerly follow your progress! All the best👏👏


There is water under your entire property. It would be more impressive if he found a spot where there was not water. If you throw a rock over your left shoulder, it will land in a good spot. If you feed your dog cheese and follow him when he poops, that is a good spot to drill a well. If you walk around with a funny looking stick and point it at the ground, that's also a good spot.
Or you could just pick a spot that is convenient for you and drill right there too.

Underground rivers are extremely rare. Groundwater is almost always stored in aquifers. This means there is bedrock or very dense clay that create a large low lying area like a valley between mountains, and there is a bunch of loose soil and or gravel on top that has been saturated with water. If it were a very small area where this basin is, your water would run out quickly. These basins are massive and your neighbors are likely using the same one. So like I said, you could drill literally, anywhere on your property and hit water.

Therefore, if this device he is using actually worked, there wouldn't be a place on your property that it wouldn't point at the ground. He could be running a scam on you, or he doesn't understand how idiomotor effect works. Either way, he is unnecessary and I hope you didn't pay him.
