Is Right and Wrong Always Black and White? | Juan Enriquez | TEDxBeaconStreet

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In retrospect, it is easy to see how seriously mistaken we were

But at the time there can be extraordinary societal pressures to conform with the norms set by mom, the preacher, teacher, doctor, lawyer, police, and government. Even on a subject as horrid as slavery.

In this context let’s celebrate the heroes who stood up, not judge too harshly those who went along, and have the humility to accept that we too, may be doing things our grandkids will consider horrific...

An active investor in early stage private companies in the life sciences and big data sectors, Juan is one of the world’s leading authorities on the uses and benefits of genomic code. He is the co-author of a recently published book Evolving Ourselves: How Unnatural Selection and Nonrandom Mutation are Shaping Life on Earth (March 2015) which describes a world where humans increasingly shape their environment, themselves, and other species.

He is also the author of the global bestseller As The Future Catches You and of The Untied States of America, and co-author of Homo Evolutis. Juan writes, speaks, and teaches about the profound changes that genomics and other life sciences will cause in business, technology, politics, and society. He is one of the top speakers at TED and other venues. He and Bill Gatess were the first outside guest curators for TED.

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A little more of a middle ground is so necessary in today's world. Recently I was just thinking about this issue. It's difficult to talk about almost any subject before someone turns extremely emotional and defensive. Even the intention of questioning somene else's vision turns out very ugly. I really hope the comments below show some of the spirit of Juan Enriquez's talk and not start discussions that lead nowhere.


I translated this talk to Persian and I really appreciate what Juan tries to communicate to the world. Thank you


But just because *EVERYONE* believes in it, it doesn’t make it “right”. I consider saving people as “right” because it makes society work in a way that I enjoy


Bless you, Juan Enriquez; you are a true inspiration much needed in this world.


This guy has his audience emotionaly captivated, except those with thier eyes closed. Kind of hypnotic.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: I've never heard a better speaker than this man.


To answer the question; No. You only have to look to the most infamous villains in history. Do you think any of them would’ve done the extreme things they did if they didn’t believe they were inherently good and right?
And that’s a terrifying truth in the real world. Everyone who does what they do thinks they are right at the time for doing so 😬
*This video is one of the best! Keep it up!*


The historical context and truths of the past are interesting and certainly concerning... what interests me is the question - can we as a species evolve to a point where the mindset and reality of economics, politics, etc of our species isn't to win by others losing or hurting... but as a whole can we have the mindset and create a world in which the limits of money and power are more so a lack of imagination rather than a resource controlling scarcity paradigm? I'm talking off planet intergalactic populations, rapid creation through manipulation of atoms, etc.


Being right is more important than the truth.


The ultimate specific subject that gravitated my attention was just because a person has some education and highly praisable we become sheep of a flock because why question what we were instilled to believe by our parents and elders and people of high statue.


we are all children of our own times...


I can’t find any logical reason why people are morally unequal to each other because they were born in other countries. My pet was born in another country. I don’t enslave him because of it


Juan Enriquez is brilliant, not only that he seems to be quite compassionate as well as passionate for making a positive impact in the world.


There is no right and wrong as a universal fact, these notions are personal. That's how so many opinions exist, and are always ever changing.


A safe space. That is a great idea. It is not widely known, if at all, that most, if not all of the disagreements, arguments, and conflicts are the result of differences of definition and not differences of opinion. For example, what is a "safe space"?


it's unfair to judge societies or countries of the past from the context of a much more knowledgeable time. i got the impression that Juan cut them some slack but not much.


South Carolina revised there constitution. Lets us also include how we combat oppressions of the past, and learn from them.


Pick your poison, ladies and gentlemen!


Poison the Patient and says the Doctor its "Treatment and Protocol", but he has Medical Ethics.


I'm honestly very prepared for my kids to drag me like I dragged my parents lol
