You can build this micro long range quadcopter | QAV-S Mini full build tutorial

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The QAV-S Mini is a ready-to-build kit for a 3" or 4" micro long range quadcopter. Here's my full build and setup tutorial. This could be the most fun way to get into FPV. And when you build it yourself, you know how to fix it.


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Purchase the QAV-S micro build kit (both 3" and 4" versions) at:


0:00 - Intro

1:17 - Unboxing

3:17 - Assemble the frame arms and bottom plate
6:59 - Prep the FC for installation
12:14 - Install the FC in the frame
14:27 - Install motors
14:59 - Route motor wires, tin motor pads on FC
17:36 - (DJI Only) Prepare the Caddx Vista video transmitter
21:52 - (DJI Only) Install Vista in the frame
23:13 - (Analog Only) Solder up the TBS Unify video transmitter
25:55 - (Analog Only) Install the TBS Unify in the frame
28:17 - (Analog Only) Solder up the Caddx Ratel camera
29:45 - Install the receiver
31:46 - (Analog Only) Betaflight Setup

35:14 - (Analog Only) vTX setup

Here's the vtxtable for the Unify Nano Pro32. Paste this into your CLI tab.

vtxtable bands 5
vtxtable channels 8
vtxtable band 1 BOSCAM_A A FACTORY 5865 5845 5825 5805 5785 5765 5745 5725
vtxtable band 2 BOSCAM_B B FACTORY 5733 5752 5771 5790 5809 5828 5847 5866
vtxtable band 3 BOSCAM_E E FACTORY 5705 5685 5665 5645 5885 5905 5925 5945
vtxtable band 4 FATSHARK F FACTORY 5740 5760 5780 5800 5820 5840 5860 5880
vtxtable band 5 RACEBAND R FACTORY 5658 5695 5732 5769 5806 5843 5880 5917
vtxtable powerlevels 4
vtxtable powervalues 14 20 26 36
vtxtable powerlabels 25 100 400 MAX

36:49 - (DJI Only) Betaflight Setup

39:50 - Betaflight Setup for both DJI and analog

42:43 - (Optional) Install and setup GPS

47:50 - Final assembly

55:58 - Install props and maiden flight

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CORRECTION. The Matek SAM8Q has an on board 3.3v regulator. It is designed to be powered from 5v power. Mine appears to be working. But you should solder the GPS power to a 5v pad not the 3.3v pad like I did.


Thank you for your excellent overview and build guide Joshua! Hope everyone enjoys this DIY kit as much as we do!!


i really enjoy your content, but i think a short flight with the new build quad would contribute these videos very well


I built the QAV-s mini 4" a few months ago when the frame first came out. I'm using Dave-C 1404 2750kv and a JHEMCU ghf420 f//c. using vista with nebula pro and I love how this thing flies. it is a fantastic sub 250 build. great video Joshua Keep'em coming


Where was the maiden flight? 😄 Thats the most satisfying part of building a quad and you should show it! 🤩


Take about a foot of dental floss, wrap it a couple of times around the middle part of the gummy, the skinny part, then feed both ends of the floss thru the hole in the FC. Get the gummy started in the hole, then carefully pull the floss thru, it will perfectly pull it into the hole. Then just unwrap the floss and repeat 3 more times! Works like a charm, and I've saved myself a LOT of grief since I learned that one...


You have the best build videos. Not even building this and I still watched. 🤓


To instal gummies easier, do the floss trick. Take a length of floss, wrap around the gummy twice then put the ends of the floss through the hole and pull. It'll insert the gummy. Then remove the floss.


using lead-free solder, crank your iron up about 20C higher, and use gobs of flux. Stuff is a pain. I never use it but some may have to.


What kind if Man are you Joshua ???
I discover FPV in may last year...and next i discover you !
What a amazing story the hobbys FPV !
Thanks a lot from a little frenchi 👍👍👍


I've built over 50 quads since 2017 😀 and everytime is just like the first it never gets dull and is always exciting😜 thanks Joshua 🤘🇬🇧
I split my time&funds between Scale trucks, eflite planes and drones..

P. S have the Indians been round your way?
Because they scalped you pretty good 😀💛


Watching you install that gummy was pushing my anxiety button something fierce!!


I saw another video. To install those rubber standoffs you can tie a piece of floss around it, and then just pull it through. I have not tried this method but it looked pretty convenient.


I always add flux with a pen to every solder joint!


I want those motors now! But the only way to get them is to buy the FPVCrate. And removing the screw is really the best way to install the Vista antenna. If you try to leave the screw in and swing the metal holder it's a pain to get the pin in the hole. Thanks JB!


One comment about BetaFpv products, both complete drones and just electronic components: Keep in mind that their product life cycle is very short and quite soon you won't find documentation for an outdated product on their site any longer. So download any documentation for your product as soon as you have bought it to be on the safe side to be able to maintain it later.


Nice. My 4" Roma running 4s 18650 is the best fun for long range. Bought it as a bnf complete but I've completely rebuilt it over the past few weeks.


Waiting for that updated ultimate freestyle build video before I buy a BNF!


Joshua Bardwell composes or build’s his drones the way Shakespeare composed a story, Poetry. Thank you Joshua. You explain everything clearly 😌👍🏻✨ 🦅 When it comes to entertaining Ken is in the building🕺🏼🤴🏻🥴😎👍🏻


Pro-tip; get some high current 18350's, stack 2 on top of each other (with something insulating inbetween) and wire as parallel.
Bam, an extremely high current Lithium-Ion 18700 cell, just a tad longer than an 18650.
Repeat for however many you need.
