Matrix Transpose & Symmetric Matrices | Linear Algebra #5
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The fifth lecture of the "Linear Algebra" series is entitled "Matrix Transpose & Symmetric Matrices". This lecture is two-fold, focusing on Non-singularity and Linear Systems.
The transpose of an m × n matrix A, named A^T, is the n × m matrix obtained by exchanging the rows and columns of A. We also give the most important properties of matrix transposition.
An important class of matrices are the symmetric matrices. A square matrix A is symmetric if A^T = A, and this means that a_{ij} = a_{ji}, where 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n. Many problems in engineering and science involve symmetric matrices, and entire sections of this book deal with them. As you will see, when a problem involves a symmetric matrix, this normally leads to a faster and more accurate solution. It is of the utmost importance that you remember the relationship (AB)^T = B^TA^T, as we will use it again and again throughout this course (probably without mentioning that it is actually a property).
00:00 What is a Transpose ?
01:14 Transposition Properties
02:59 What is a Symmetric Matrix ?
04:12 Remarks on a special symmetric matrix (A^TA)
05:24 Summary
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