Learn JavaScript ES6 Modules in 6 minutes! 🚢

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#javascript #tutorial #course

// ES6 Module = An external file that contains reusable code
// that can be imported into other JavaScript files
// Can contain variables, classes, functions ... and more
// Introduced as part of ECMAScript 2015 update

const circumference = getCircumference(10);
const area = getArea(10);
const volume = getVolume(10);

export const PI = 3.14159;

export function getCircumference(radius){
return 2 * PI * radius;

export function getArea(radius){
return PI * radius * radius;

export function getVolume(radius){
return 4 * PI * radius * radius;
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UPDATE: (4 * PI * radius * radius) is for surface area of a sphere, not volume. I mixed up my formulas.
(4 /3 * PI * radius * radius * radius) is for volume of a sphere.

#javascript #tutorial #course

// ES6 Module = An external file that contains reusable code
// that can be imported into other JavaScript files
// Can contain variables, classes, functions ... and more
// Introduced as part of ECMAScript 2015 update

// index.js

import {PI, getCircumference, getArea, getVolume} from './mathUtil.js';

const circumference = getCircumference(10);
const area = getArea(10);
const volume = getVolume(10);

// mathutil.js

export const PI = 3.14159;

export function getCircumference(radius){
return 2 * PI * radius;

export function getArea(radius){
return PI * radius * radius;

export function getVolume(radius){
return 4 /3 * PI * radius * radius * radius;


I now see where React and its many minions got all their super powers.


Yor are a great teacher
but 4 pi r*r is surface area of sphere
the volume is 4/3 pi r*r*r 😊
thank you


Will you remake your JavaScript course? I like the way you teach 🙏🙏


one thing I didn't understand is that while mathutils.js is a module why in <script type ="module" src = "index.js"> we put index.js with attribute of type ="modele" >?? I add an object to the packages.json to solve this


(please help Bro) I Had this error in React too than it wants me to add an object in packages.json :: Warning: To load an ES module, set "type": "module" in the package.json or use the .mjs extension, I couldn't find packages.json file so I made one on the directory and it worked, I think there must be a packages.json files for solving {'type' : 'module'} for all files with export ability that I don't know where it is . and the OTHER SOLUTION to renaming it .mjs file didn't work at all ( in the console of node js inside vscode ) I am sure people have my trouble and don't know where exactly must add the object {"type": "module"}
