DON'T BUILD HIM WRONG! Leonide Build Guide [SOC]

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i know what they say about him, but lets see if we make Leonide a unit to be proud of!
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Yeah I can see him being useful as a hard engage into a group of tanks and Leonide will cover for your assassins, allowing the assassin to move through defenders safely since he's going to intercept the defenders.


Tq for the brief explanation . He certainly got damage but the problem with him is his charge stance is kinda hard to be used. And he certainly sucks to be used for auto AI battle . Overall I like using him


Alexi just stands there laughing while countering back to full hp.


Leonide is one of those characters that's really cool in concept; the vanguard that rushes first into battle and then acts as a solid wall for allies once in the fray... but is poorly designed and executed mechanically. The ingredients are all there, but something was missing that makes him feel lackluster to play because despite having a very clear designed role he doesn't actually do it particularly well. Alexei for example can be used in much the same way, though obviously not as fast to get into the thick of it, and he does most everything Leonide should do but better. This leaves Leonide being subpar at the one thing he should be good at, and it's a shame because the concept is cool and the character design is cool, but the implementation is the very definition of Mehhhh


I have him but i have no idea what to do with him


He has a basic attack to gain energy, but only one skill that uses more than 1 nrg, and it has a 2 turn cd. His trait does the same thing at 5* as his other basic attack... So both options are essentially worthless.
For how much maneuverability he needs to shine with his charges, as a breaker he doesn't have enough movement, especially with charge stance locking you to straight lines. Nameless staff can help a little but still super situational.
The real thing that kills him are his ability cooldowns. 6 turns for his ult. 4 turns for charge stance, 3 turns for his reaction, 3 turns for instant skills, 2 turns for starter skill. Literally plan to use each skill once a fight because holy crap. His aura decreases cd by 1 turn for skills with 4+ cd. Not worth the skill slot imo, because you'll be using it in place of one of the two skills it will affect. Or spamming basic attacks all day waiting because its still 5 turns lol.
I do like his character art and backstory. But he is soo situational and none of his kit is viable outside of specific situations.
He has great knockback potential with one passive giving guaranteed knockback if his max hp is higher than targets current hp with no cd.
His skills do hit hard, paired with skeleton spear, nameless staff, pendant halberd, or even lone guard he can take down 1 or 2 enemies if they are the right enemies in the right locations...
But yeah... A lot of work to make him work, and other characters outperform him, including rawiyah who is free and can deal better aoe as well as single target. Heals every turn and can knock back with basic attack without using up a skill slot.
