I digitally cataloged my ENTIRE wardrobe to maximize my closet
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In today's video, I'm seeing if digitally cataloging your closet using a wardrobe app is worth it. I had Devon, the co-founder of the Indyx app, come over to help me and tell us all about why you should consider doing it! Honestly, I was NOT expecting the result. This is a brand new way to look at your wardrobe, and it's going to take shopping your own closet to the NEXT level.
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I Digitally Cataloged My Closet to Maximize My Wardrobe
I digitally cataloged my ENTIRE wardrobe to maximize my closet
I Digitally Cataloged My ENTIRE Wardrobe. THIS is Why You Should Too!
I digitally catalogued my whole wardrobe and this is why you should too
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I digitally cataloged my ENTIRE wardrobe (and now I shop LESS!)
I digitally cataloged my entire wardrobe + did a color analysis ✨
I digitally catalogued my ENTIRE wardrobe to maximise my closet
I digitally cataloged my ENTIRE wardrobe | playing with indyx
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I digitally cataloged my wardrobe *lazy method*
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I digitally catalogued my wardrobe
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digitally cataloging my entire wardrobe
I digitally catalogued my ENTIRE wardrobe to maximise my closet
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