World's Greatest Battle Music Ever: To The End

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♫ This is my taste of music ♫ A beautiful wallpaper
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By: ADN Compositions

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Fuck, man! Saber Lily's gorgeous!


When you hear a piano, you know its gonna be epic.


I can already tell I'm going to like this one.

EDIT: I did.


Really enjoyed this song and the picture of Lily Saber makes it all the better.


Me *sees saber lily, clicks video*
*hears the piano keys"
Me: Mozart is up here Keying up a storm ain't he? Who let caster near a paino! This music is far to devilishly epic for it's own good!


"Do you see what I have created? With my own hands I shaped the world, made it great, made it strong! I will not let you bring it down! I am immortal! What can you do to me?! Can you really fight me forever?! How long will you stand against me?!"

"Until my very last the end...."


I thought this was Madoka at first, lol


There she stood. Her grin hidden behind that accursed helmet, but we all knew it was there.

Who knew that today would be the day that bitter rivals would come together to fight a threat that had gone unnoticed for a decade. She was my ally once. She stood and served under my banner, the banner of the Empire of Kaos. Yet... she had deceived us all. Empire, Resistance, Order, Federation, Angels and LoK scourge stood together. Rivals of the multiverse, aligned together for the first time.

I stood central, gripping my Scythe in hand, staring her down.
Karina, torn from the loss of her once seemingly immortal sister at the hand of this demon, stood to my left.
Order, to my right, determined to end this new foe.
Infinis glowed with holy light, her blade shone with the light of the void.
LoK, an identical of our foe, glared at his predecessor, knowing that he spared his world from her tyranny.
My Brother, fearful for the first time, knowing his fate could be the same of Karina's sister if he wasn't careful.
Jack, the one without any powers, stood steadfast, ready to summon his pet.

Despite the roar of the battle, machine and man fighting the dead and the abominations, all seemed silent at our position. Our breath, different to each others, was short and succinct. Her armour rung with every minor shift. Our heat negated by her chilling presence. Icia. Fated to rule the dead through all of existence.

I loathed fate.

Her cold, sharp voice echoed through the void, silencing all.

"One of your immortal allies has fallen to my blade, what makes any of you think you can halt my advance?"

"Because for once, we have a common goal" I retorted, "to see that you fall here and now. We may be enemies, but you have united us. And even if you slay us all... know this, we will fight"

"And to what end?"

"To the end"


this is saber when she was Princess of the Knights


The girl's legs, arms and chest is protected by strong armor. If you ever find yourself in a situation to fight her, kick her from the ass. She's asking for it.


It's been a while since I've upload songs from ADN Compositions. So here's one of his latest music piece.


Love the effects as usually along with this amazing picture.


these songs are so cool, they gave me ideas of drawings to make.


I only heard the first few notes and I fell in love with it


I am totally using this for Camelot.

Saber Lily vs Goddess Rhom

The one striving to be the ideal king, and the king who became a goddess


Come, my brothers and sisters! Let us end this; once and for all! Tomorrow is a new day! A day in which we will all be free, one way or the other! However, tomorrow is still so far away, for today, we fight! Now stand with me, my sisters and brothers! Let us face the end together!


Excalibur, the Sword of Promised Victory.


This is what true power feels like when you want to become this hero you gotta work, you gotta train, you gotta practice in order to become this person you always wanted to be! Let me tell you something do you want to become a hero? Are you willingly? To bear the weight of lose and pain and peace! There's always hope, never forget that.


Holy Shit this is giving me the Shadow of The Colossus vibes!.


When and where did all these types of Saber appeared? I finished watching Fate/Stay Night & Fate/Zero long time ago but dont remember seeing these other Sabers.
