Awful School Administrators👀 #shorts #story #teacher #school #storytime #students #funny #comedy

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The principal at my son's school stole field trip money that was raised by kindergarten and first grades. She tried to cancel the trips. She called teachers stupid. And was forced to resign at the end of the year because 17 teachers quit(out of 24). And then wrote her own positive Google revuew.


No wonder why teachers are quitting....
Teachers deserve more respect dealing with this


ok but overweight kids can play sports. that argument doesn’t make sense


oh my god i realize how awesome my middle school principal is now
this dude would sub for EVERY CLASS and he was so much fun
in science he would always ask (when reading us the instructions left by the reg teacher) if we wanted "a 60s announcer" or "a bad british accent" and in PE he would live commentate over the game we were playing


You can't just call on a teacher whenever you want, plus teachers need way more respect. In my school we respect all teachers that respect us, which is pretty much all the main teachers. Still appreciate my old S.S. Teacher! She made everyone seen


Not an awful one but probably the best one she’s amazing. When I was in kindergarten I loved my principal so much I even gave her a necklace I made it was just a bell on a yarn and I gave it to her during Christmas and she’s worn it every Christmas since


The one that legit let a predator into the class is probably the worst of them all like wth-


One time in seventh grade, i had gotten into a car accident on my way to school, and naturally, that made me late, the receptionist told me to just go to class after explaining the situation, but on my way up the stairs, a lady from admin told me to get a late pass even after telling her i was in a car accident not even 15 minutes ago. Fun times


My favorite was calling someone in the middle of their sister's wedding. I'd have LOVED to have been the teacher getting that call.


"Hi Mr. so and so, yea your sub didn't show up, so we need you to return and sit with the kids."
"Um. I'm at a wedding, todays' my day off." " On second thought why'd I even pick up." *click*


Our highschool art teacher just got essentially fired/let go this year because a bunch of moms complained that he was respecting people's pronouns. Everyone in our school liked him and he was awesome with us!!! He treated us like humans, worked one on one and gave genuine good advice on how to have a career in the arts. Our principal didn't even know. He had plans for next years classes and everything but our principal had to tell him near the last day that he wouldn't be coming back. She was also fired/let go for being an ally she was also cool with people's pronouns but our superintendent is a jerk and doesn't care whether the person actually provides a good education but about certain views. I live in Oklahoma so that probably explains it🙄


My mom is a teacher. And at my old school our old Principal was a complete jerk to everyone but was a absolutely hit with all of the younger students. He would listen In on teachers calls, and blew up at many teachers for stupid things, also did some things to parents i can’t remember what though


As a child in third grade, me and my friends were playing monkey in the middle with a second grader.After he couldn’t catch the ball he ran away crying .Later that day we get called to the principals office and are accused of bullying.Keep in mind we are 3 third graders so when she screamed at us we panicked and basically the principale forced a false confession out of us.We didn’t do anything and we where forced to stay inside for 2 weeks without recess .


My sister had a principal who cancelled award breakfasts/ceremonies because it was “making everyone else feel less than”. This was in elementary school. This is why we cannot have nice things anymore


_"My administrator allowed a literal convicted set offender on the campus because "we need subs""_

*When the conservatives call educators "groomers", this is one of the reasons why.*


Last year I went to lunch and since I’m super short they thought I was a 6tb grader I am a 8th grader so they yelled at me to go back to class and stop tryna skip and they didn’t believe me when I told them


I have a stupid story, actually I have a lot but here’s a main one:
My school basketball team got into an altercation with another school and was fighting them pretty badly.

Our administration thought it would be a good idea to release information of my school canceling all sports for the rest of the year. They never did, we still had basketball games and even started a new volleyball team.

Not that interesting but they did punish the students that were fighting first so that’s good. ( apparently the other school was rehung to “taunt” my school but my school pretty much got blamed for it. )


Guidance counselor in high school ‘guided’ at least 100+ students into not graduating. Just gave completely negligent and incorrect scheduling advice so that people who had never failed a class still had credits they needed in order to graduate.


As an overweight kid who does track and field, I can confirm that sports teams are fair and important to keep in schools.


my school assistant principal got arrested a few years ago because she broke into someones house and stole the kids meds


I had a administrator tell us right before a theatre show and a dance recital. That “we’re not good enough for the public eye”they canceled it. Leaving a bunch of kids in tears. Than we found out in a meeting they said they didn’t want TRASH on stage. When the parents heard about this they were MAD. The school promised us a sorry Assembly. (Spoiler we never got one) than they uncanceled the preformences. And never came to any of them.
