Breaking Bad Season 3: Episode 6: The Liar (HD CLIP)

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What’s happening in this Breaking Bad clip?
Thinking quickly, Walt comes up with a plan to lure Hank away: he has Saul's secretary, Francesca, call Hank to tell him that Marie has been in a car accident and is being rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Hank leaves the junkyard and rushes to the hospital, but soon after he arrives, he receives a call from Marie and realizes that it was all a hoax. Seething with anger at having been fooled, Hank realizes that Jesse was somehow behind it.

What’s the TV show Breaking Bad about?
Walter White (Bryan Cranston from Godzilla and Total Recall), a chemistry teacher, is diagnosed with lung cancer. He decides to make and sell methamphetamine to repay his medical debts and secure his family’s future.

Season 3 of Breaking Bad:
Gus (Giancarlo Esposito de The Mandalorian et Maze Runner) offers Walter a job cooking meth at a hidden lab. Walter demands Jesse (Aaron Paul) to be his assistant rather than Gus' choice of Gale. Skyler (Anna Gunn) learns of Walter's meth cooking and demands a divorce. Hank's (Dean Norris) investigation leads him to Jesse, but he finds no evidence and assaults Jesse, forcing him into a short leave. Hank is forewarned about an attack from two assassins and kills them, but he becomes paralyzed in the aftermath. Jesse's behavior becomes erratic, and Gus replaces him with Gale (David Costabile). Later, Walter fears Gus will kill him and Jesse once Gale learns enough about their methods, and instructs Jesse to kill Gale.

Credits: © 2019 Sony Pictures Television Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Dean Norris nailed the acting here. Look at his worried and scared face.


If only Marie had called to ask about dinner 10 minutes earlier


This was the moment Saul started paying her more.


This caused him to beat up Jessie which caused him to lose his gun which caused him to get critically wounded by the twins which caused him to collect minerals in bed which caused Marrie to go stealing again and get caught which caused him to help out the local police in Gale’s murder case which caused him to recognise the book in Walts bathroom.


This was the moment that I called Saul


Shows how much he loved his wife. He was just about to make the biggest breakthrough in his career, but he didn't hesitate even for a moment to abandon it and rush to his wife at the hospital, even if there was nothing that he could do to help her.


This is the exact moment Hank got trolled


i always think it is so satisfying when they break their cellphone in half


damn hank looks hella scary when he is angry


1:12. Saul looks extremely disturbed here, as if he knew this was crossing a line for him. It starts making sense when you realise that he also must’ve received a similar phone call from Kim when she met with her accident. Doing this probably reminded him of Kim’s accident.


The way his goofy ringtone slowly chimed in when he was frantically looking for Marie 💀


So, Jimmy was correct in BCS series finale when he said that - "Walter White would have been dead or in jail within 1 month if it wasn't for Saul Goodman"


I love how they faded the blue lighting back to normal as Hank realized that they fooled him, to give his face a more flushed expression and show his sheer anger. Everything about this show is so good. The acting, the script, and even little changes in scene direction such as these.


The filmmaking in this scene is so good. The hard cuts over and over again delivers the panic and condition of hank perfectly. Its exact how it feels in situations with high adrenaline.


This is when Hank realizes he's playing a much deeper game than he initially thought


Hank is great. Its all he wanted was catch that rv and left it bc he thought his wife needed him.


"It's just a prank, bro!"
The prank:


This is the exact moment Hank became concerned


I love the ringtone Hank has for Marie


“I don’t… have the most current information, sir.”
Brutal. No wonder he got so terrified.
More like- “I don’t know if she is still alive”
