How To Stop Hitting Behind The Golf Ball (SIMPLE FIX!)

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This is how to stop hitting behind the golf ball...

First, I want to explain why you're hitting behind the golf ball, what you need to do to correct it, and then how you can practice it with a couple simple feedback drills.

In terms of hitting behind the ball, let's first define what we want to do, and then we'll talk about the things you can do to stop that from happening, and I'll give you some drills to do.

Now, I'm going to pull a simple alignment rod. Now, we're on a mat here, on which an alignment rod here will work fine. If you're on the grass, you can spray-paint a line or just have a line as a reference. A piece of tape or something like that would work fine.

I'm going to put this alignment rod straight in line with the golf ball on the ground. (Watch the video to see what I mean.) So, the point is, when we're hitting too far behind the ball, that compromises our contact, compression, and distance that the golf ball goes.

We want to fix that. If I were to take a normal setup here, if we watch good golfers, their club will come down, will strike the ball first, and hit the ground second.

So, if I remove this golf ball, and that's the line where it normally is on, what we want to be able to train to do is have the club head hit in front of the line where our golf ball would be. That's the first piece of this. So, when someone would come in to train this in person, if we have solidness of contact issues, I will put a line on the ground, we'll set up as if the golf ball's right on it, and we'll start with little short swings, just chip length, and get you getting that club head to hit the ground in front of it. Watch the video to see the rest!

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Рекомендации по теме

You know 95% of golf tips, drills, et al, don’t click with me. But where you demonstrated keeping body centered during the swing clicked. I went hit about 20 balls with my irons and got instant results. Even helped the driver, thanks!


Great video. Btw I also love to use a towel. To dry my tears after after hitting the ground each time.


Excellent video and explanation of what I have problems with. Thanks,


Hey Eric. Just wanted to say thanks. I had been having trouble hitting behind the ball. I knew all about keeping centered but was still having problems. But thanks to you all is well. One place I didn't check was rotation thru impact. I hit it far and have fast hips but I wasn't turning thru completely. Thanks man, huge improvement. Love your site.



Very good basic instruction. So much golf instruction tries to be transformative. The basics are always best and easiest to adapt.

Also, that’s a beautiful place to hit golf balls. Looks like Penn or upstate NY


Excellent as always sir. This is something I wrestle with. Hitting behind it also kills a lot of distance!


Very easy to follow instructions. Really helped me. Thanks


This video has excellent content as well as being brief and to the point.


Thank you. Will give it a try this weekend.


Great suggestions, I think. Can’t wait to try them out.


Really well explained. This was my main miss and a few range sessions have helped correct it immensely. Thank you.


Best video on eliminating fat shots I've seen!


Very nice simplification of risk involved in shifting axis to right versus keeping it more neutral. For those of us that don’t get to play very often, simplicity is the key factor, best to keep the axis in the middle versus shifting to the right...less chance for mistakes, such as hitting behind the ball or hitting it thin. Really good explanation. Thanks very much!


Awesome video !
Very straight forward and to the point.


Super helpful, it helped me mostly with my DSLR because of the flex on the shaft.


Solid video...I'm pretty new to golf and it's honestly as simple as that, moving the weight towards the front helps big time.


Loved the video with visual tips and explanation of drills and “feel” 🙌🏾🔥💪🏾 Thank you, can’t wait to try this at the driving range...


1st....this is probably the best video i have seen about how to avoid hitting behind the ball...very well explained . 2nd ...watching this video in 1.25 speed made it easier to understand the video. 1 complaint about instructions videos is the narrator sometimes get to long winded, be precise and to the point , avoid narration clutter.


At last I found the cure for my mishits


Great instruction.most of us don’t turn, can barely shift the weight toward target.Thanks
