‘Fat Girl Running’ Blogger: ‘You Can’t Wait for Your Body to Be Perfect’ | NBC Nightly News

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Mirna Valerio, a self-described ‘Fat Girl Running’, says she’s not trying to run away from the fact that she’s a "bigger girl."

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‘Fat Girl Running’ Blogger: ‘You Can’t Wait for Your Body to Be Perfect’ | NBC Nightly News
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wow she has given me the motivation to run my next marathon.. i m 255 pounds and finished 4 half marathons but always scared to go for a full marathon. i always thought my knees and ankles gonna blew up.. but now i'll diefinitly gonna try full ..thanks


She is so inspiring. I understand exactly how she feels. People look at me crazy when I'm running 6.0MPH on the treadmill. I'm 200lbs+


How could she still be that big after running all those marathons and ultras? I lost a lot of weight just training for my first marathon.


It is about winning the race of LIFE! I am 64yo and I am a runner!


feminists now a days say that love a girl irrespective of how they look, love her if she is fat, dont bodyshame.
You know i cant even advise a fat girl that hey you need to loose weight, you are obese, you do not look good with that weight. There reply would be, You dont judge me, dont tell me to loose weight, i am happy with my weight. Trust me darling you are not, and you are just lazy who do not want to work out. Obesity tells a lot about character, habits and dedication.


Wow! She's so inspiring!! Im too excited for my hike today because of this xx


mirna there is always going to be haters that are jelious im slowc and steady i was in the army for nine yrs total if i wasnt slow and steady i would not be here no morev so u keep up your good work and enjoy every moment


I love this! I love this! I love this! I am going full force! YES! This is very inspirational!


If she lost too much weight, she'd probably lose that lovely opera voice. As long as she's healthy on the inside, no problem. Pavarotti said the best opera singers were heavier.


without both feet in air, it is called walking. And, it is forefully determined how fast and most importantly, how long you should run based on your weight. long term effect, shin bone fitigue, akilis tenden, you don not want thoes. It is not a daily jok, as you are runing longer and faster, the risk also gets higher


0:45 so we aren't going to mention that this proud obese professional runner is completely out of breath doing a light jog along side an average slim woman?

She has terrible running form too. Its not a run its an uneven walk.


Invest in a professional nutritionist until weight is normal .

Invest in a trainer, learn how to work out and run correctly.

Then run marathons


LOL @ that thing being a "marathoner." Her paces in every recorded race are leisurely strolls. If a non-butter golem put up these kinds of times in her "runs" how much notoriety would she be getting? This is pure fat-pandering.


I’m not trying to throw shade but this woman is cursed
