Koto Ryu Koppojutsu: Seigan no kamae moto gata

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This video demonstrates how to begin the study of Koto Ryu Koppojutsu basic striking techniques (moto gata) from seigan no kamae. It is from a seminar I taught in Los Angeles, 2022 on Koto Ryu Koppojutsu. It was attended by students of all skill levels, and talented instructors from various backgrounds. Present were Bujinkan Shidoshi, Toshin Do instructors and Jinenkan students among others from various traditions. No political weakness, just strong training - as it should be. It was an honor to teach in the oldest Aikido Dojo in mainland US, and to do so with such a solid group of martial artists.
This video, and the ones to follow, are of the classical foundational forms of Koppojutsu as taught to me by Manaka Unsui. There are many ways this has been taught, and these are the most basic methods of this technique, distilled down for a broad range of skill levels. I hope you get some value form it. My personal notes below:
Kotō Ryū Koppōjutsu 虎倒流骨法術 Moto Gata 基型
Seigan no Kamae 正眼の構
Sono ichi: Both uke and tori will begin in migi seigan no kamae and the opponent will strike with a left punch. Tori will step left, receiving the punch with emphasis on nagashi. Tori will follow with omote shuto to the opponent’s neck, striking straight through to knock the opponent down in one line.
Sono ni: Uke will attack with fudoken tsuki (Jodan). Receive the strike stepping migi-ushiro with nagashi. Pull right arm up with the elbow at ear height and on the same line as the nagashi (Opposed to leading with the elbow.) Strike omote-shuto, sending the uke straight back.
Sono san: This is the same technique with the difference being that the strike is ura-shuto.
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About The Jinenkan: Developed by Lieutenant Colonel Fumio Manaka, the international Jinenkan organization is a complete martial art system characterized by it’s traditions of authentic Kobudō, the classical fighting forms of Japan’s Samurai.
This video, and the ones to follow, are of the classical foundational forms of Koppojutsu as taught to me by Manaka Unsui. There are many ways this has been taught, and these are the most basic methods of this technique, distilled down for a broad range of skill levels. I hope you get some value form it. My personal notes below:
Kotō Ryū Koppōjutsu 虎倒流骨法術 Moto Gata 基型
Seigan no Kamae 正眼の構
Sono ichi: Both uke and tori will begin in migi seigan no kamae and the opponent will strike with a left punch. Tori will step left, receiving the punch with emphasis on nagashi. Tori will follow with omote shuto to the opponent’s neck, striking straight through to knock the opponent down in one line.
Sono ni: Uke will attack with fudoken tsuki (Jodan). Receive the strike stepping migi-ushiro with nagashi. Pull right arm up with the elbow at ear height and on the same line as the nagashi (Opposed to leading with the elbow.) Strike omote-shuto, sending the uke straight back.
Sono san: This is the same technique with the difference being that the strike is ura-shuto.
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About The Jinenkan: Developed by Lieutenant Colonel Fumio Manaka, the international Jinenkan organization is a complete martial art system characterized by it’s traditions of authentic Kobudō, the classical fighting forms of Japan’s Samurai.