How to train the Koto Ryu Koppojutsu Moto Gata, Hira Ichmonji no Kamae basic striking technique

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Hiraichimonji no kamae is the most misunderstood and poorly trained kamae and striking pattern of the Koto Ryu Koppojutsu, however when you understand how and why it is fundamentaly important taijutsu technique to study, it suddenly make perfect sense.

When training, do not stand there without correct intention, otherwise you are simply a large and easy target. This kamae is NOT that.

Please do not train half assed, train with heart. Form first, accuracy second. Speed comes naturally so long as the others are in place. Timing happens when it all comes together and you begin sparring.

... my notes.

Sono ichi: The uke will strike to tori’s head from hidari seigan no kamae. Tori will pivot to the right, (stepping slightly if necessary) and sweep with the left hand. This sweeping motion parries the attack away from and to the right of the uke. Tori will then step in with right leg and strike uke down with ura shuto. This is a cut downward in a straight line. NOTE: When you sweep, you will be pivoting and stepping with the same side foot. This kata is done on both sides.

Sono ni: Uke will punch to the face with fudoken tsuki. Step the right foot straight back with their strike receiving their strike to the outside with your left forearm, fist facing upward. With the turning motion, redirect the line of their strike inward and press your forearm into their strike, turning their torso and exposing the side/back of their neck. Your arms move on the same plane, so the right arm will remain straight and pointing directly upward. Step the right foot forward, striking shuto straight downward in the same manner as doing karatakewari. Strike the opponent down.

Sono san: Uke will punch chudan fudoken tsuki. Step forward and pull right foot back, or step straight back with the right foot, depending on the depth of the opponent’s attack. Your weight will favor the lead leg as you press the outside of your forearm to their attacking arm at the point just above the elbow. Redirect the line of their attack as in the previous technique and strike them down with shuto.

... end.

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The Yasuragi Dojo is a school of Traditional Japanese Martial Arts, teaching the traditions of our teacher, Manaka Unsui and the International Jinenkan organization. Our Dojo preserves the arts of Ninpo, Jujutsu, Kenjutsu and Classical Weaponry. Collectively, our art is called Jissen Kobudo.

We have proudly served the Hudson Valley of New York since 1998, with our Dojo located in the hamlet of Mahopac. Our Dojo has served our global community of students and training groups through our online programs since 2007. If you are interested in joining our Dojo, please inquire directly for information.

About The Jinenkan: Developed by Lieutenant Colonel Fumio Manaka, the international Jinenkan organization is a complete martial art system characterized by it’s traditions of authentic Kobudō, the classical fighting forms of Japan’s Samurai.
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Ichimonji is a purly “natural “ instinctual kamae. It’s like a defensive, leave me alone and getting out the way body mind awareness. At least that’s what I perceive of it. A very good teaching and video. Thanks 🙏 again.


Wonderful insight and explanation of the purpose of Hira Ichimonji Sensei. Thank you so much for posting.


A lot of people also don't understand that kamae are not static. They're meant for transitioning. You don't just stand in one stance


Legend has it that the attacker lost consciousness simply listening to the explanation of the technique.


I like your videos and your form.., but let's be honest, nobody attacks like this. As a Bujinkan practitioner going on 25 years, the big 3 all suffer from the delusion that someone is going to lunge punch. It's great for practicing kata, but you've got to move beyond it eventually and we simply are not doing so. The best thing any takamatsu-den student can learn is a proper jab, cross, and upper cut. Why? So that they can throw them on their training partners and give them a feel for what they will most likely face. Also, watching the students in this clip( I see this everywhere across the board), nobody has ever spent time hitting pads or a heavy bag of any type. They simply don't punch and kick things. If I were a betting man, I'd say you have a background in other arts and have hit and thrown people before coming to the Jinenkan.


Evrebody can do that. Attack from a mile.
