33 ESSENTIAL Gardening TOOLS I Use All the TIME!

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In this video, I give you 33 of my most essential gardening tools that I use all the time, and so should you, in the garden!

For Australian freeze dryer purchase info, use the link above and contact Harvest Right directly.

Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland, Australia, about 45kms north of Brisbane - the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online, so come along with me and let's get into it! Cheers, Mark :)

*Disclaimer: Some links to products in this description and comments sections are affiliated, meaning I receive a small commission if you follow these links and then purchase an item. I will always declare in a video if the video is sponsored, and since starting my channel in 2011, I am yet to do a sponsored video.

#garden #tools #gardening
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G'day Everyone, this video is a bit longer than usual, but I had a lot of fun making it so I hope you enjoy it. Thanks a lot for your ongoing support! Cheers :) P.S Visit my Website selfsufficientme.com for more...


I could not agree more about the importance of being passionate about something. It will literally save your life. Before permaculture I was highly depressed, no one could help me, no pills worked. For 15 years I struggled with dark ideas and feeling of hopelessness. Then I found permaculture, and became totally addicted. Without help from doctors or pills, my depression vanished without a trace in a matter of weeks, my energy level went 150%, and I never looked back since. Its been 4 years now, and i'm happier each year. FIND A HOBBY FOLKS!


I might add rain collection barrel and a few spare buckets to your list. Throw in a greenhouse, too.


Cardboard boxes! I use them to harvest, gather up debris, transport anything, temporary storage for hardening transplants outside, growing sweet potatoes as a raised bed, storage of tomatoes, squashes, potatoes in my garage after harvest, dry off of onions and garlic by laying them across the edges of the boxes; and completely recyclable once done.


For those not paying attention, the folding table joke relates to an Army cot, which also folds out to a nice billiard table.


Please tell Peter he is in my prayers. I hope to be able to buy one of his pink prongs! Such a wonderful gentleman. It broke my heart that he’s not doing well. Please give him my best.


A good hat and long sleeve shirt are essential tools for the yard.


We have a lot of the tools that you’ve mentioned.
I’m disabled so my wife is the main breadwinner, but I’m very good with gardening.
I grow almost all of our vegetables and fruits.
What we don’t eat I freeze dry.
I freeze dry enough fruits and veggies that we barter them for our yearly pig and we buy a young steer every spring and it’s raised on my in-laws ranch in Montana USA.
The steer is slaughtered in the late fall. They keep 1/2 of the beef and we get the other 1/2.
It’s a 12 hour drive to the ranch from our house in north central Washington state.
Their growing season isn’t long enough to grow a lot of fruit and veggies, so that’s why we barter with them for our meat.
It’s a great exchange.
Both, my in-laws get “fresh” fruit and veggies (freeze dried) and we get free range beef and pork and my wife gets to see family at least once a year.


The only other things that come to my mind might be considered "essential" to protect yourself: A good water bottle (too many people don't keep hydrated while working in the garden) and sunhat (or sunscreen (which I hate)) and gloves.
This is a great video, Mark, and I love your humor, too.


My father is 90 in Oct, still mowing, whipper snipping, pruning trees and just loves getting out in the garden.


Cheap long handled BBQ tongs are great for weeding, and also great for picking spiky caterpillars and giant grasshoppers off my plants


One of my main tools are chairs. I have several around the garden and one on wheels. Mostly I garden in containers and raised beds. Sitting for projects help me get things done with less pain.


As a nurse retired

Every person near at or pushing the 100 year mark, loved to read, did not like TV, read their Bible, and always gardened including at age 100

The true secret to longevity I think is in that recipe

Oh they were also the remaining spouse who had a long marriage and missed their spouse so likely they were people who knew how to give and take in a marriage and told me that the person they were married to were more important than everything else.


That was hilarious when you tried to showcase the machete and just ended up pushing over the banana tree!


For me, one of the essentials is buckets and/or tubbies! I keep 4 or 5 tubbies and a few buckets. I chuck tools in 'em, use them for trash collection, or hauling material, mixing materials. Absolutely essential.


Mark, Peter is exactly right about finding a passion and getting into it. So many seniors fade away quickly due to lack of passionate endeavors. Freedom of choice for whatever we choose is a gift, let's not waste it! Thank you for including this in your informative video. I've learned so much from you, you are the best!


As fall turns to winter in the northern US it’s always nice to see your gardens just ramping up


Seceteurs aka pruners. I am a senior myself, and I wholeheartedly believe that keeping busy and finding a hobby is the best advice he could give. I tell that to the people who come into where I work. I work in a senior living facility. Unfortunately, most are unable to do any type of physical activity, that's why I say to do as much as you can do for as long as you can.


Chicken wire, mesh and netting. Chicken wire on the soil keeps the cats from using my garden as a cat box...so many stray cats here. It also keeps the chickens from making a dirt bath. Also used to stop the critters from eating my hard work.


Long handled dibber, hoes, kneeler, waste bucket/tub.
All I can think of atm. You got most others I use.
Cheers, Mark 👍
