Surgeon Struck by Lightning & Discovers the God Energy (Near-Death Experience)

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Tony Cicoria shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, leaving his body after being Struck by Lightning in a phone booth during a family gathering on Sleepy Hollow Lake in New York. During his encounter on the Other Side, he traveled outside of his body into a river of pure positive energy and came to realize that his Spirit continues forever. Upon his return to his body, he began to hear classical music in his dreams and taught himself how to compose the music he heard on the piano. Tony shares how the Experience transformed his life and how his relationship with Death was changed forever.

“Now I completely understand that there’s much more to our existence than we have any idea of” - Tony Cicoria

Where we explore the meaning and purpose of Near-Death Experiences in the modern age. We write about the intersection of spirituality, life-after death, comparative religion, philosophy, depth psychology, modern culture, and most of all how we can stay connected to the truth that Life doesn't end when we die.

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My brother died 2 weeks ago. I came home from work to find him leaned up against the a/c motionless and I knew almost right away that he was gone. He and I have lived together all our lives just about. He was only 42. Alcohol finally got him and I've cried every day since then. Thoughts of suicide have haunted me ever since. These NDE videos truly do help. My greatest fear now is homelessness since he and I split bills and rent. Don't know how I'm going to keep going but I thank God for videos like this that give hope. Thank you.


I am 87 years old with Osteoporosis, Atherosclerosis and 3 aneurism, taking medicines and living in fear of death, but after hearing the story of this doctor, I don't feel the panic I had before!!! Thank you so much for this video!!!❤❤❤❤


No wonder why we feel heavenly when we see nature, greenery, mountains, flowers, waterfalls, oceans, etc because our spirits are attached to all the creation God has made. And we cant help but admire this beauty.


Tony! You were the surgeon for my husband Jack, and at the time we had no idea of any of this, but I guarantee you that you have nailed the "service to others" aspect of your own evolution! I've seldom seen so beloved a person and physician. Thank you for your service, and hope all is well with you 😊


He was my surgeon and my mom's surgeon, great guy and amazing doctor


Three days after my mom died she whispered my name right into my ear. I was fully awake and realized that she was telling me there’s “another side” to our existence 💞


I'm also a doctor, also awakened later, I was 34. Gave me a completely new prospect on life, if you're looking for confirmation please believe, it's all 100% true.


I’ll never forget when my sister had an open casket. The moment that I saw her body I just knew that… she wasn’t there and that wasn’t her. It’s them - but they’re so unfamiliar. The light in their eyes, their mannerisms, their *energy* is gone. They aren’t there anymore and it’s profound. Energy cannot be destroyed… it has to turn into a different type of energy.


Dr. Cicoria saved my arm from being amputated many years ago in Upstate New York. I will forever by grateful to you, Tony!


Years ago, about a week after my Mom passed, I was of course distraught. She suffered horribly from breast cancer. And in her last days on morphine, I prayed the Lord would take her soon to end her suffering. I had this profound and very real dream that I visited her in heaven. It was a very short and abrupt dream. I was walking on a sidewalk or path, she was in the front yard of a beautiful house. The colors of plants and trees were vibrant, and she was tending to some plants. She looked younger, I said " Mom?" she was about 20 yards away and we were separated by a fence. She turned to me and said with a concerned voice " what are you doing here "!? I said " I just wanted to know you are ok". She said, " you are not supposed to be here". Immediately after she said that, its as if I fell backwards off a cliff, and I kept falling from what felt like a very high cliff, expecting to hit the Then, I felt my fall was being slowed into a completely plush pillow bed ( my actual bed is not )that was extremely thick and soft .
I opened my eyes laying on my back in bed, which i never sleep or wake up on my back. I said wow ! and I mourned for her no longer. But I know .... I, was, there. Praise the Lord.🙏


My son died 2 times during surgery after a motorcycle accident. He told a similar story. Blue white light. Peaceful place. Nice relaxibg bells ringing. He was talking about seeing grandpa. Etc etc. I got chills when he was explaining the experience. I am not afraid to die anymore


This man was my Dr., until he retired. I loved him. I knew he was struck by lightning, but it was good to hear his story.


What an amazing experience this doctor had!
In August of 2005, my 15 yr old son was in an accident and suffered a catastrophic brain injury - his neurosurgeon gave him a 10% chance of survival. If he lived they said he'd be in a vegetative state. My son defied every negative prognosis- when ha awakened from the coma he confided that he'd died and that Heaven is Full of Love. I've often wondered if he chose to return or was given no choice. At the time of his accident he was an amazing athlete and his dream was to play football he is a full time Artist - something he had no interest in before the accident.
His spiritual experience has been the most powerful part of his restoration !


My beloved mom recently passed away.
I have received many signs from her. Today I heard her voice calling my name. It was distant but very clear and happy. I quickly ran to my dad to tell him and he said “I know, I believe you”.
He went to his piano and started playing again. He dedicates music to my mother everyday. He painted a beautiful painting for her. He is an artist and a musician, through his music he is able to connect with my moms soul.
Many don’t believe in this and wonder why they haven’t received any signs from my mom.
Well, why would the spirit try to connect with someone who does not believe.


Tony's story resonates with me as truth. In 1966, my death came as an inevitable thing when I realized my bicycle was out of control, no brakes, nothing left to do but smash into a rock retaining wall and moving at such a high rate of speed that there could be no other outcome. I was going to die and I knew it.

There is so much more to life than this solid ground under our feet. We continue on, feel the overwhelming love of God and experience so much heavenly beauty that the mind can hardly take it all in.

I was only 14 years old when it happened and I'm 71 now. I came back driven to do ambulance work and, oddly, to play wind instruments.

And always, I wanted to simply go back home and walk with God in the garden and listen again to the symphony of millions of bright souls, connected to the entire universe of creation, praising God in song for his boundless love for each one of us.


If you were a non believer and listened to this man of science tell his story you would never doubt. I remember reading Dr E Alexander’s Nde mind blowing. Especially since he was also an atheist. So this Doctor speaks his experience evenly and no embellishments. It’s all one needs to hear. The music part is beyond amazing. God bless.


This is my favorite. A very intelligent guy explaining his experience matter-of-factly, without any much emotion. Utterly convincing.


One of the best NDEs that I heard. I watched so many I lost count but this gentleman is something else. He is giving his testimony in such a way that you don't want to stop listening


That the woman outside waiting for the phone turned out to be a nurse is nothing more than a miracle . She could start CPR inmediatelly and saved his life


"As a spirit, I exist forever." Made me tear up.
