Easiest Most Effective Horde Base In 7 Days to Die 1.0

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In this 7 Days to Die guide I show one of the easiest most effective horde bases you can build. This horde base will easily carry you through most of the game.

7 Days to Die is an open-world game that is a unique combination of first-person shooter, survival horror, tower defense, and role-playing games. Play the definitive zombie survival sandbox RPG that came first. Navezgane awaits! ~Steam Store

Firespark81 is best known for games like Conan Exiles, Cyberpunk 2077, Baldur's Gate 3, Valheim, and more. He creates guides covering everything from exploits to full walkthroughs. Be sure to subscribe so you can always be up to date with the best info on trending games.
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♫ 𝙊𝙪𝙩𝙧𝙤 𝙈𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙘: Spark of Excellence
By The Talented @xXasdfMAN12Xx AKA: Sean Wolf
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Just completed night 70 with this base design on my solo world. Thank you so much!! Base was upgraded to steel and took a demo to the face just fine. I'm in the process of copying it on our multiplayer server now and can't wait to see how it stands up to a real horde!


Decent video, I've been a fan of yours for a while from other games, but as a 7 days veteran (close to 2000 hours) I have a few corrections/additions to share with my fellow viewers.

1. The orientation of the ladders do not affect their use, only front and back. So having the front of the ladders facing out, as you have on the top row of ladders, means the zombies can climb/cling to them.
2. The single pole block does not stop zombies in their crawling animation from getting through, you need the pole double block or something similar. It is not as much as a problem as it was, as in 1.0 the zombies don't seem to be going into their crawling animation as much as they were, but an unexpected zombie just bypassing your defenses without you expecting it could vary well mean death.
3. The side plating is good, but instead of the plate corners along the edge of the ramp, use the "Catwalk V2 corner", the one with no railing. When on it's side in that orientation the zombies do not see it as a path so the will go around it and not get stuck on the side of your ramp. It does what you are putting the 1m hole in for, but without the downsides.
4. Lose the hole blocks in early game. You do not want them where zombies normally path around them, as one will eventually get stuck and possibly start digging. A single zombie digging under your base can collapse the whole thing in a single hoard night. Only use them where you don't want zombies pathing around, or if you have it on top of at least concrete blocks, or a pit they can climb out of.
5. Zombies will not path to a 2 block gap for ladders. So leave your bottom 2 ladders off, and you can jump onto your ladder without having to pick it up or break it every time.
6. Zombie will absolutely attack dirt blocks if they are in destroy area mode from taking fall damage.
7. The fall distance of 11 blocks is the magic number to not enter destroy area mode when they take fall damage. The safer standard is 15, because zombies often fall on top of other zombies which, and this gives a buffer incase that happens so they do not enter destroy area mode.
8. Destroy area mode means the zombie no longer attempts to path to the player, instead looking to destroy any block underneath or supporting the player it is targeting.
9. Electric fences are OP.

Love the content. Hope this helps out some survivors. Enjoy :)


also a really fun thing to do and is op, is to build a extra platform one block on the side of the ramp and put a robotic sledge turret watch it launch zombies plus it needs no power so can keep going. Put the weighted mod and flame helps with dps also.


13 blocks high (or 13 away from you, horizontally) is the limit for "Destroyeverything" mode! Its also a good idea to make pyramid stairs/ramps to help zombies get onto the ramp (although those Circle blocks are a new discovery)


Works like a charm. Thank you!

Only change I would do is add a bigger hole in the ceiling to shoot the vultures. Or place a turret up there to manage the birds.


3:36 probably good idea to add panic hatches for each ladder (6 in total) so in case both layers get destroyed you can just pop a hatch up and use the remaining ladders


The hole blocks at the bottom of the ramp is actually pretty smart; I never thought to try that.


After playing this game for almost 500 hrs (only started around alpha 19 i believe) this is a good starter base but probably wont last into late game. I get it may work out for some but a lot can go wrong. There are a few things to know about the AI. They always try to find the easiest most direct path to you. So making the ramp and not leaving it as blocks they have to jump lets them overwhelm the front bar at later horde nights. That is one change i would make if you are brand new to the game. Second thing to know is if a zombie falls a distance of 13 blocks down from you they wont go into destroy everything mode. So 13 is a magic number to prevent this. Third cops and other ranged zombies can shoot through the gap as it isnt the best anti zombie block around. My 2nd horde night i had a steel center block and it was almost destroyed with just normal cops showing up on normal settings. (I play with 300% exp and loot but default difficulty which plays out well as i level fast and find equivalent loot as i go) . A lot of what makes a horde base the best is usually durability. This cant be a forever base as it is inside a poi and the poi will take damage and could collapse over time. An emphasis story in the community from alpha 21 was a group built a base in dizhong tower just to have zombies cause the skyskraper to collapse mid horde night lol. This base is good for maybe up to mid game. When you get end game you want things automated with a killing corridor. Last alpha my base was underground with a killbox above ground. It had a 3 layer defense with plenty of auto turrets. As a solo that is the only way to really handle hordes late game. Ok for starting out.


I’ve been playing 7 days from late alpha 14 onward, and I always found it so exciting to learn the mechanics of zombies on horde nights and build bases/defenses around said mechanics. A lot has changed and some that didn’t.
People are bringing up the demos, for me, I actually like to test the limits, if my base takes a beating we’ll then I just repair it and it actually gives me stuff to do. Playing single player well into high game stages can sometimes get a bit stale. I know for myself personally, I don’t want to just sit around all night and be in a base so indestructible that I’m just twiddling my thumbs. At its core, it’s a game that’s about fighting zombies & looting, when you find/craft the best of the best loot, and that part is not as much of a hunt anymore, well then at least let’s keep fighting hordes challenging, spicy & interesting. Lol.
Back in alpha 14/15, we had no electric traps, spike traps & barbed wire lol, and my pillar bases used to get quite a beating. Again, I’m just speaking personally, if my base does take a beating, we’ll I have 7 in game days to repair it, while my forges and workbenches/mixers/chem stations & mining are essentially my new “looting.” It’s all good.


Ladders can be left up they just need to be the 3rd block off the ground. Meaning 2 blocks with no ladder or something for the zombies to step on. And if you do that they will totally ignore the ladder. And you can still jump to get on it even with no parcor.


I'll be trying this out on my third horde. I just crafted my first robotic sledge to make the zombies' tightrope walk more exciting. 😉


Honestly I'd change the title to early game horde base because once demo zombies show up that base is gonna get destroyed real quick if you accidentally hit his bomb


The rage mode distance of 11 isn't just vertical, it's also horizontal.
In short, if you push the top of the ramp more than 11 block from where you stand and melee, you'll stop the zeds from reaching the top of the ramp and start bashing the ramp before running across the pole to your position.
I hope I explained it well enough for it to make sense.
Whatever you do or make, if you run into problems with zeds reaching your height but they start bashing your structure before running forward to you; it's rage mode and just remember 11 blocks.


I take over a 2-3 story building, make sure there is no access to the roof except ladders on the outside I built that start 3 blocks high off the ground. perfect non-moon base. for the moon night, i find a 10-12 story building, secure the roof, again, destroy all access to the roof. Then ride out the blood moon in relative peace. come morning, they loose their super power, run down kill the blood horde and go on about playing. it's about surviving the night, not killing your way through it.


Love it, FireSpark81! The straight ramp is simpler than most base builds I've seen. They usually do some 90’ angles and strange pipe walks to the fighting doors…
You could do that, bend this Easy to fit into an Alleyway next to almost any building in town. So this is portable.
You could put a 90’ turn in it as needed. Turn it into an infinite drop loop, which it almost is as you show.
Easy to dig & reinforce your pit to delay them for grenades, etc...
Easy to start with a few upright cube stacks if resources are scarce for horde #1, then fill in.
The full wall build underneath allows for many zoms to beat on it all night and it will stay up.
Easy to upgrade to cobble, cement, and beyond as the cycles progress. Nice.
Great, simple, flexible, adaptable, portable. Love it.
That's how a FireSpark do!


The dude turned into slim shady for a moment. 6:23


Great vid. Even though I have 5200 hours on steam and 2k hours on PlayStation pre A16, I thought it was very informative, and found a useful tip that I want to use to try and mix up the standard 11 blocks high to deal with rage mode.


Saw this video two days ago and figured I'd give it a go for the day 21 horde. It certainly did the job, although the loot bags despawning before the night is through sucks. All in all, I'd say it's good for anyone completely new to the game.


My friends and i ended up clearing an entire block around a hotel. We made a killbox in the middle of the street for our shotgun brawler, built our base on top of the motel with easy jumpoff access for our SMG guy, and walled an area off around a water tower as the sniper. Add in copious spike traps, and we've been splitting the horde three ways making it significantly easier


No idea the block with the hole tampered with the zombies pathing. Thanks for the tip!
