The Ultimate 500 Dollar Gaming PC

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Intel Arc is here to save the day! Now you can build a gaming PC for the total price of $500 US dollars. Playing all types of video games on 1080p high setting and hitting a constant 60 FPS. What parts do we purchase? Find out here!

Check out the build:

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An AMD CPU with an Intel GPU. Who would’ve guessed that 10 years ago


On the topic of how much information, remember that we where all once new to the game and might be a 14y old kid thats building hes first computer. Never stop gives small pointers ;)


Good luck getting any of the intel cards right now they are cleaned out everywhere ive looked.


I got 11 minutes in to the video before I realized it was a live stream. I don't tend to watch live video replays. Good job, you got me.


Dear lord people. The card is $250. Intel is shooting to restock it weekly or at least working on it. There is high demand because it is surprising awesome for the price and us poors refuse to spend $1000-2000k on just the GPU. Like anything get on stock alerts like you would be hunting down and xbox or playstation if you want one at MSRP. Normally I would not call someone a moron for paying a scalper as maybe your need was great and the price was worth it. In this case you are actually a moron as you could get the other brands cards now at some of the scalper prices.


All the scalpers have cleaned out the inventory of the Intel B580s now, and we hope the price will not go up on the next batch.


Your best luck is to go to a Micro Center and try to pick up an Intel card, they are the only ones I know of that don’t sell some online and require a physical pick up.


im so happy this generation of arc is so much better than last generation. it was about time we had some competition in the gpu space.


The panic in Linus’ voice when a real song was about to cost him the video right at the end lmao


250??? In THIS market?? A true God sent


I found yall through the last video you’ll ever need! Definitely a great video to have on the channel.


What's more surprising: the cheap case's tempered glass side panel not smashing after falling to the ground or Linus pretending he didn't notice he threw the ARC GPU on the floor?


I used Ltt videos to build my first pc almost 9 years ago!!!! And keep watching! Love the content!!!


A PC with an AMD processor and Intel discrete graphics? How the tables have turned.


You guys remind me of my computer building days 45yrs ago.... God how I miss those days.


Just built a brand-new PC with the following specs
CPU: Intel i5-12400F
Motherboard: gigabyte B760 DDR4
RAM: 16GB gskill
Storage: 2x512GB NVMe SSDs
PSU: 550 Watt coolermaster
GPU: Second-hand zotec 3060 Ti (with an 8-month warranty)

Total Cost: $560

All components are brand new from reputable brands, except for the GPU.
Considering I managed to get this for $560, I think it’s a fantastic deal! Also, I’m from India, which makes this build even more impressive given the price. What do you all think? 😊


i loved the cpu cooler teardown, keep stuff like this in more or try to attempt these sorts of fixes instead of grabbing a replacement if it’s possible, this was really cool to see over just grabbing an extra because in this scenario someone building a brand new 500 dollar pc very likely doesn’t have access to an extra cooler in the off chance their stock one came busted. Though on that note i am completely unaware to cpu coolers ever being broken in shipping maybe a fan but the mounting mechanism?? maybe if somehow they didn’t provide it in box


I'm so glad I bought my B580 when it went on sale for €300 incl. VAT. After the great LTT video about the card, I kind of expected the card to sell like hotcakes. And now the limited edition is sold out everywhere and the third party cards are either sold out too or much more expensive... Hopefully prices and availability will get better here in the EU for those who missed out.


Got that case for my wife and daughter. They love the color and were pretty easy to build in AND haven't had any cooling issues.


Nvidia is like Apple charging a fortune for ram upgrades 😂😂😂😂
