Palestinian book recommendations (fiction, romance, plays/poetry)

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recommending books written by Palestinian women!!! (so every book I've ever read by a Palestinian author)

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Books mentioned:
- Against the loveless world
- You Exist too much
- Clandestine Affairs Series
- the twenty-ninth year
- Fireworks
- Minor Detail
- A Woman is no man

My own personal recommendation is Squire, a YA fantasy graphic novel, which I think deals really well with topics like Imperialism.

Free 🇵🇸


I knew you were based, but I didn’t know you were THIS based ❤️🇵🇸🍉


So good to see some people use their platforms on here to speak about Palestine! I'm new here, but just subscribed :)

Minor Detail is the only one I read from the ones you mentioned, and can only recommend it!


I also recommend 1) Ilan pappe's books “ the ethnic cleansing of palestine” and “ ten myths about isreal “
He is an isreali historian pro Palestinian, He wrote these books to explain the policy of ethnic cleansing during the Nakba in 1948, when the Israeli occupation occupied Palestine, and to discuss the myths on which Israel was founded.
2) Ghassan kanafani : “the men of sun”, and “return to Haifa”, “ the land of sad oranges “ He is a Palestinian novelist and poet who wrote these novels about the Palestinian issue, and the Israeli occupation assassinated him to cut off his voice.
3) morning in Jenin by suzan Abulhawa It tells the story of four generations of a Palestinian family and how their lives turn into a tragedy after the Israeli occupation and their forced deportation from their city.


Also recommend anything by Ghassan Kanafani, a Palestinian author that was assassinated by the Mossad in 1972. I particularly recommend Men in the Sun and Return to Haifa (which partially inspired Mornings in Jenin).


Hala Alyan also has a non-poetry historical fiction book about life as a Palestinian called "Salt Houses". If you aren't as into poetry (I'm usually not either) then I really recommend this one. It was beautifully written!


Palestinian woman here, who happens to also be an avid reader, and this video popped into my feed. Love everything about this video! Thank you for the solidarity ✊🏽 Definitely have a new follower now. We will one day know a free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


I’m really interested in reading Fireworks, my thesis (psych) was on the trauma and resilience of Gazan youth after the past few bombardments (written in 2019). It was interesting to learn that Palestinian youth who lose family are far more resilient than American youth who lose family, and many researchers link that resilience to Palestinian culture and community structures that have evolved naturally due to the need for collective survival in Gaza. They don’t really speak about depression and trauma in their culture but when loss occurs there is a support group available regardless. I just wonder at how all of the findings of that research in years past will hold up with the current genocide, the sheer destruction is not like anything they’ve experienced.

My church was founded by Palestinians who survived and were exiled after 1967. There are also several grannies in the congregation who were children in Jaffa during 1948, they’re so full of hope and love and life and hearing their stories is a gift and a privilege. I still read Palestinian literature as I have for years and I always recommend Mahmoud Darwish, his book The Butterfly’s Burden (poetry) made me ugly cry for 30min.


This video was recommended to me on my home page. I don’t know what the rest of your content is like, but I’m giving a follow. Keep speaking up!


Stumbled upon this video and immediately clicked because I don't see many booktubers taking a stand. Instant subscriber!


Again, thank you for being such a unique smart reader! Love you from Morocco & France🥰


I read Evil Eye by Etaf Rum and really loved it. It sounds like it has similar themes to A Woman Is No Man: inter generational trauma, trying to come to terms with being an immigrant and a woman in the US, navigating family problems and seeking independence and finding yourself.


i also recommend I Saw Ramallah by Mourid Barghouti and The Woman from Tantoura by his wife Radwa Ashour and Time of White Horses by Ibrahim Nasrallah
. If you're into poetry any of Mahmoud Darwish's works are great. These are all very popular amongst Arab readers but unfortunately their English translation isn't very popular.


I’m glad for these recommendations! Definitely will be picking some of these up


Go on ! In a world where everyone is silent it’s good to be LOUD


I appreciate this very much, you have no idea how much your video helps the cause!


If The Skin and Its Girl by Sarah Cypher isn’t on your list to read, it’s one of the best book I’ve ever read. Queer Palestine writer reflecting on mythology and queer elders and displacement. Absolutely incredible.


Thank you so very much for this video 🍉❤ I'd highly recommend the work of the Palestinian-American poet Fady Joudah, he has a new book out this year, but he also translates and has translated Palestinian writers Hussein Barghouti, Ghassan Zaqtan and Maya Abu Al Hayyat.
Other Palestinian-American poets include Noor Hindi, Lena Khalaf Tuffaha, Naomi Shihab Nye, George Abraham, Nathalie Handal, Fargo Nissim Tbakhi, Summer Farah and Rasha Abdulhadi.


This video was recommended and I’m so glad. Thank you for this! ❤


i haven't read it yet but i really want to read "The Secret Life of Saeed the Pessoptimist" by Emil Habibi. the author was a Palestinian communist who (somewhat controversially) became a citizen of "Israel" after 1948, and the novel deals with the experience of Arab Israelis
