Tim Barnett: God's Word Is the Standard for Truth | Red Pen Logic | Kirk Cameron on TBN

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Takeaways: Kirk Cameron is joined by the creator of Red Pen Logic, Tim Barnett to discuss how Christians can use the Bible to recognize truth. Later, they talk about how we can distinguish untruths and fallacies in arguments from what the Bible actually says.

Join Kirk Cameron to discuss pressing issues Christians are facing with compassionate, well-informed guests. Together we will find actionable takeaways that we can use today this week and this month to bring more of Heaven to Earth.

#kirkcameron #timbarnett #redpenlogic
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When it comes to different Christian denominations, I think of the quote that says unity in essentials, grace in non-essentials and love in all things


We need to be of ONE MIND and ONE ACCORD. Ego and pride get in the way


Amen 🙏! We individually as believers we must keep on searching and asking Adonai to lead us with His Holy Spirit. May His will be done. 🙏🙏🙏


If you know the answer there has been communication. If the message is unclear or ambiguous there is no communication. Tim's idea of searching simply confuses the lack of God's communication


Thanks Kirk. So true. Father has shown me lately also how He has given everyone diff meanings of diff scriptures. We need each other to see diff aspects of His ways. I cannot turn others off if their views of a certain scripture is not the same as mine. Father does many things for many reasons. I need to listen. What He has shown me is not absolute. So also what He has shown them. Family. We do need each other.


Psalm 139: 13 and also Jeremiah (forget chapter and verse) points to life beginning at conception.


Please listen to Myles Munroe he did a good job explaining the true Gospel


Isn’t reality the best standard for truth?


Which Bible? Is there a perfect Bible in English? Or are you above it all?


Concerning Barnett's very first statement, the opening of this video.

Why not do what the Bible clearly, and in very simple words, tells you to do???

to show yourself approved.

Less you be taken unawares.

Just winging it is ok?
Preachers and teachers figuring it out on the run is ok?

Never mind.


context is so important. much much confusion in the church on different matters. I don't think it should be like this. i pray the confusion get cleared up soon on different issues because God is not the author of confusion! one example of this is: can a Christian lose their salvation? i feel big issues like these we all should come to the proper understanding on and be in agreeance on for whatever the right answer is! Just subscribed to red pen logic.


God has told us to share this video with as many people as possible, so we are posting this as a comment on every message we see and we will let God bring the understanding, we are just the messengers. Last Days Message - Many Leaders Have Diminished God's Word Saying That Certain Parts Are Not For Today! Why would anyone follow such leaders that twist God's word, those Leaders are deceivers! In the book of Acts, men had incredible faith and the Holy Spirit worked through those men to do miraculous acts and now many leaders say that is not for today. That is a lie from the pit of hell. The Holy Spirit did not go anywhere, yet today's leaders have so diminished the Holy Spirit that they preach and teach that the miraculous does not happen anymore. Believers must believe that everything in the New Testament is for today! Come out from those that teach such falsehoods. Be bold and confident and believe that God is still working miracles. Believers must get back to doing God's work, God's way, not man's way. Silver and gold have become too important to the leaders of today, yet Peter and John said they did not have any silver and gold and instead called out in the power of the name of Jesus and a lame man received a miracle. Stop following leaders who are constantly asking for silver and gold, who are merchandising and selling the gifts of God to get more silver and gold. Connect with the Holy Spirit and forget about silver and gold and always remember that God is supernatural and extremely powerful. Shake off the nonsense that is being taught by todays leaders and 'programs' and get back to God's word and the power that will follow to those that completely believe. Do not be deceived, silver and gold are not the answer. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and His power is for everyone that believes, and He gives that power freely. Does anyone have ears to hear? Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.


God's meat of the word & truth, isn't being taught in most churches today.
I challenge you, if you want to understand God's word chapter by chapter verse by verse....pray for wisdom and decernment. Don't ever take mans word for it. Study and seek understanding. Jesus said learn the parable of the fig tree. Not "maybe" you should learn it.


Crikey. If the human interpretation of God's word is the standard, then you fellows have been arguing over the standard since the beginning of the faith. And sometimes those arguments have been deadly. Also, some of those standards are obnoxious by today's standards. They are o.k. by the standards of two to three thousand years ago, but bad by today's thinking. That's the problem with religious fundamentalism. It turns the words of mere men into some kind of infallible truth and then attempts to turn a certain fallible interpretation of those words into infallible truth. Then you have to employ apologists, theologians and pastors to try to make those standards appear common sense - probably more to convince yourselves than to convince outsiders.

Best to use your brains and think things through than to put the brains to one side and appeal to - "The bible tells me so" - and then have to reintroduce the brains to try to justify such a conclusion.
