Tim Barnett & The Spiritual Condition Of Infants | Leighton Flowers | Red Pen Logic | Adam Harwood

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Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, reads through an article published by Tim Barnett AKA Red Pen Logic in 2019 on Stand To Reason's website.

Here's the link to Tim's full article:

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#LeightonFlowers #OriginalSin #RedPenLogic
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This is why I prefer the language of fallen nature instead of sinful nature.

I think it is more precise and highlights the nuance more clearly


Paul summed up this issue with 2 succinct verses:
Sin is NOT IMPUTED where there is no law. [Babies have no law, ergo cannot sin]
Where no law is, there is no transgression. [ babies have no transgression, therefore have NO GUILT]


Imagine a little baby getting to heaven, and he's on trial, then God says, "You think you can live in heaven?? THIS!" Then He points to a security camera recording of Adam eating the fruit 😂

Inheriting guilt is so silly


James White's primary error is he misunderstands the character of God as revealed in Scripture and therefore his theology in certain areas reflects that. Either that or else he is just committed to certain traditions of a man made theological system more than he is committed to God's plain words.


QUESTION (please answer) Hi Dr. Flowers… I love your content. I find it thought provoking. I’m currently a student working on my Masters of Theology degree at Dallas Theological Seminary and you’ve helped me to challenge a lot of the Calvinistic doctrines that my professors use in their lessons. But on this particular topic I have a question that I need to ask you in order to clarify your view…I had to write a paper on my particular view on infant salvation and I argued that all infants are saved, because were saved by humbly accepting that which God reveals to us. In the case of infants they have never rejected any revelation of God, therefore they will be saved (my thesis goes much deeper than that and makes an argument for a form of infant faith, but for the sake of brevity I’ll spare the details). However, I first prefaced my argument by conceding that we have all fallen in Adam, and without the death and atonement of Jesus it would not be possible for infants to be saved. They would be condemned along with the rest of humanity. Would you agree this statement? I’m really trying to understand the degree to which you deny the doctrine of original sin. Your almost coming across as if your saying infants wouldn’t even need Jesus to have died for them because they’re so innocent, but I’m wondering if you’re just not realizing that it seems like this because your focused on pushing back against the Calvinist doctrine of Total Depravity and Inability… Love your work brother. You smoked James White in the John 6 debate! 😉


Good job with the teaching from scripture! 😊


Hello Sir Leighton, How do the Bible define sinful nature? Pls. give me some references. Thank you


I agree.
Augustines assertion that when a baby cries because it's hungry is a sin, because we don't cry for food when we are older is pretty silly.


Hello Leighton, I am relatively new to the channel. Love your content. What is your view on baptism?


Our culture today teaches that whatever you're inclined towards defines who you are. Many younger people today have no category for otherwise. They've been saturated in "desire=identity" their whole lives.


"Infants are not sinless because they inherit a sinful nature." What? So it's a sin to be born with a sin nature?? Isn't that tantamount to saying it's a sin to be born??


9:54 the view that physical death (removal of access to the tree of life) was a consequence of sin, but isn’t actually the punishment, rather, an act of mercy so that we aren’t left immortal in our sinful state is a good answer to this question of “why do infants die if they aren’t guilty of sin?” The first death is a consequence for all humanity, but the second death (hell) is the actual punishment for our sin if we don’t accept immortality in the presence of God offered by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Is this a repeat of a prior vid? It sounds like I've heard this one prior...

Just curious as my Calvinistic wife seems to think I've lost my mind...😅🤣😂


Dr. Flowers, I do not have a dog in the fight as I am not Calvinist. However, I do see some points at which I could rebuttal some of the things you were saying. My reason for rebuttal would be for clarity and how you would respond. What would be the best way to do that?


Wow, just studying through this, and a new LF vid pops up!


The Amazon links in your video description don't go to your books.


When the Bible says that a person must have faith in Christ, the implication is that this applies only to those who are capable of exercising faith. From that starting point there seems to be a proverbial fork in the road as to how one interprets such verses . On the one hand, you can cite a systematic that teaches that no one can have faith, unless God grants it which would mean such verses apply to infants. On the other hand, you can consult general revelation, namely, Divine design of humans, and see for yourself that infants lack the ability to exercise faith and conclude that those verses don't apply to humans who are incapable of exercising faith.


The Orthodox Church doesn’t follow Original Sin and is one of the issues that divided the church in the schism of 1054.


Professor Flowers, are you saying that the firstborn infants of the Egyptians were not condemned, according to Exodus 12:12.


The supposed proof texts for the claim that "faith in Christ is necessary for salvation" don't teach any necessary conditions for salvation, but instead only sufficient ones. If people want to apply Greek logic to the Bible, they should at least do it correctly.
