When Jews Meet Yeshua: The Story of Karen

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I'm from Costa Rica and our community started walking in Torah 10 years ago. Now we understand Bersh't 48:19 and we feel part of Efraim, Israel. We feel privileged observing how HaShem is gathering us together. I admire your ministry, Rabi Shapira.


My mother had a dream over 5 years ago she was visit by her ancestors they were around her bed lots of women and children and two big told men one on each side and she asked who are am I going to die the reply and said no we are jews and we are your ancestors and we are here to see you. my mother was 88 years a week later about the same I had a drem I was standing and a Rabbi asked me to touch the Torah and kiss it. then he said don't you understand that you are jewish. I understood that all of my searching and thinking about Israel and the tribes was true because the YHVH is gathering his people. I have been a believer of Yeshua all of my life. He is the center of my life. We are from El Salvador. and yes my life has changed since.


There is no randomness with Hashem! I loved this.


Hi, I am a Christian and I thank you Rabbi Isaac for your ministry with your own people. Praise be to our God. I, as a Christian see that the God of Israel is now moving to his own people and bringing them to worship Him through their Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). It is like God returning to His own people like what He did to the first Century believers (Christians). God bless you all. I truly believe that this is God’s doing, may be the time of the Gentiles is closing in: God is turning to His own Jewish people, Amen and God bless.


Stones in shoes were really stoney heart.


Unhappy - wanting to kill self result of, hating Jew falsly accusing Jews killing Jesus. I will bless those who bless and curse those who curse thee; hopefully repented for her hatered of Jews and able to say so to the Jewish childen she hurt.
