In-N-Out Burger president shares story behind family-run business

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Lynsi Snyder, who became the president of In-N-Out Burger at 27 years old, sits down with NBC’s Savannah Sellers on TODAY to share the story of her family-run burger business with a devoted following.

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I hope In-N-Out never goes public. You can only achieve the beautiful double reality of paying workers well and keeping prices low like In-N-Out does when you're not facing down the pressure of Wall Street vultures.


I have to say, In-N-Out has the best fast food customer service. Young men and women working at In-N-Out are consistently outstanding in customer service.


I worked for the company for 4 years and I have to say, I absolutely love this company! I worked at several different locations throughout CA and the integrity in their work is always consistent. They never sacrifice quality. They treat the employees like family and I’m really happy to see they are continuing to serve the customer by keeping prices low during inflation. ❤


Total respect for Lindsey and her company! 👍👍


This is proof that you can build and sustain a company w an integrity-driven business model, treating your associates w decency & dignity, and not selling out, placing profits over people. In-N-Out is about as popular as it gets. 👏👏👏


The day they have an IPO is the day In&Out dies. Now you know why us Californians love them so much !


Grew up on In and Out in California. Don’t change please keep it in the family .


1:48 “You’re gonna get judged either way. So, you might as well be judged for who you are.”


I got to attend the official employee xmas dinner a few years back as a guest and she was there. Gave a nice speech of appreciation and she was very welcoming. She definitely cares for the employees 👍🏼


Lindsey dropped by my store when I just started. Nicest lady ever. Took time to take pictures with any employee who wanted one. Makes me feel proud to work for such a great company.


I love In n Out for a variety of reasons...but one thing I've always noticed is that you'll NEVER see a front line worker that isn't smiling and perceivably happy. They are definitely doing something right over there.


We love you Lindsey!!!
As a native Californian thank you for providing jobs to our teens,
Thank you for being a patriot and standing up to the San Francisco skin flute 🪈
During the pandemic 😷
Thank you for keeping the prices down!!!
We love in n out burger 🍔 🍔🍔🍔 it’s a west coast thing!!


It's great that she is upholding the values her father and uncle instilled. After she's gone, l wonder if the next person can hold off all the pressure to sell or water down the brand for a quick buck.


I tried In-N-Out Burger for the first on Feb.27th, 2024 by walking there from the LAX airport😂, all the staff treat the customers with so much respect despite how busy it gets. It was an amazing experience overall hearing the origins of this place along with who’s the president make it even more special. Please never change your system!


The fact that In-N-Out is far less expensive than other chains and commands a loyal following by serving quality food, while still turning a profit, is testament to their leadership and should also serve as an example to others of the “right” way to do business. I am a fan and will continue to be one, especially as we got our first In-N-Outs here in Colorado a few years ago!


My 16 year old dad was a first day Baldwin Park customer (twice) in 1948! Five generations strong in our CA family!


So many logical and sensible ideals have kept their menu low and the quality up --- no costly advertising, no mobile service that could overwork the employees and distract from the loyal customers right in front of them, and giving their employees above average wages and benefits that keep them faithful to their job (less turnover can be costly). Cheers to Lynsi keeping it simple, a great business model. Thanks for the great interview.


This young lady is a class act. Her family would be extremely proud. Keep doing what you're doing it works great i love In N Out.


In-N-Out was one of my first jobs and it was awesome! They don’t even start off at minimum wage and you get wage increases based on learning new skills and task so by the time you’re flipping burgers, you’re already making a pretty penny.


I worked as a part of the very 1st crew in store 39 and this family treats its employees better than any company I have worked for in the 35 + since regardless of you are full or part time. They are good people and Lyndsey is the kind of person we need owning US businesses
