What Happens To Your Mind if You Don't Sleep

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What happens to your mind if you don't sleep? Not enough sleep affects your memory. One of the things that can happen if you don’t sleep it changes your thinking abilities and impairs your memory.

The first way sleep deprivation impairs your memory is it increases cortisol levels. Chronically elevated cortisol levels cause memory decline similar to what you would see in age-related dementia.

The second way poor sleep impairs your memory is through it’s effect or slow wave sleep and REM sleep. When you sleep, your brain goes through a process of memory consolidation. This is where you form memories. More specifically, slow wave sleep is the deep sleep you need to consolidate declarative memories. REM (rapid eye movement sleep) is the sleep you need to consolidate procedural memories.

In the video I explain how pulling an all nighter is one of the worst things you can do to help you remember things the next day.

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This video is part of a course, which is why I sometimes call it a "lecture." At the end I mention the next video about what happens to your health when you don't sleep. That video will be published next Wednesday. Stay tuned.


I've been working on getting adequate sleep the past few months. It's amazing how much of a project it is! I am in a bad habit of staying up too late, and now I'm changing the other habit of getting up earlier. I aim for 5 of 7 nights to get 7 hours 45 minutes of sleep in a 24 hour period. It's like exercise. I have to keep at it and I have to track it to know how well I'm doing. People do not realize how critically important proper rest is for health.


Wow this really just changed my entire perspective on sleep, finally get why I am easily overwhelmed... DEEP SLEEP IS IMPORTANT!! Thank you for naming this video 🙏🏾✨


My wife has a hard time sleeping so she began drinking chamomile tea during the day and reducing her intake of caffeine. It's working very well and she's able to relax and fall asleep and stay asleep. Thank you for the video they're incredibly educational and useful.


This explains a lot with my memory. Between poor sleep, mental illness and MS I am having a really hard time.


I have learned two vital concepts about myself from your videos. First, CPTSD. Now this eating habit mechanism. I have over eaten till I hurt. And say "I gotta get my stomach being full connected to my brain again". My fat loss is super sluggish when I do all right reducing actions.
It brings a little rest to the mind knowing how to define mysterious about oneself.
So, Thanks for learning and sharing.


Dr. Marks, when you used the analogy of RAM/ROM I got so surprised because I’ve used that as a description of myself.
Sorry for sounding morbid, but I’m convinced I’ve wasted my life at the sake of sleep abuse. Morning attitude, lack of concentration, memory retention; nervousness and frustration from cognitive inabilities. I’ve failed at college numerous times even though I was an honor roll student in high school. The embarrassment of people asking why I couldn’t finish school who knew my capabilities, and the humiliating loss of a vital relationship because of a planless future is all I’ve racked up. I’ve been on sleeping medication for over 40yrs and everything you’ve described lines up to my problem. Im much older now and worry about my health(nothing as of yet) because I can’t afford to lose out on that. I’m glad I ran into your videos and hope to unravel my situation to create a new, productive life. Thank you for you information


One time I forced myself to stay awake for 3 days straight using coffee to see what would happen. It was horrible. Tbh I don't remember alot after the 1st day. But my boyfriend told me I was irritable, couldn't talk normally & also my coordination was very impacted. He told me that it was an incredibly dumb thing to do and to never do it again. LOL


I'm willing to bet sleep deprivation exacerbates post partum depression. Being jolted awake night after night and then battling to get back to sleep must do a number on your brain chemistry.


With all your videos you have truly saved my life, thank you Dr Tracy Marks


this popped up in my recommendations aafter a whole night of wtching your videos...


I haven't had a good night sleep in years.


On the movie set of Insomnia (2001), Al Pacino played a detective plagued by his own past who couldn’t sleep working a case in Alaska in the summer. Being the actor he is, he tried his best to emulate his character by depriving himself of sleep. It wasn’t too long before he was very irritable, accident prone, and forgetting his lines. Production was almost halted a few times for his minor injuries. I was an on set PA.


Chronic insomnia here; probably due to C-PTSD. Recently have had a few periods of quality sleep which seems to occur when withdrawn from EVERYTHING but my home. Can’t seem to compartmentalize anymore & people, news, life is too overwhelming. I picture myself in an inverted fishbowl for protection when walking through the ‘outside’ world to get necessities. The sleep improves my mood immensely! I’m not literally ‘afraid’ as in agoraphobia but I am exhausted by all the negativity in the world. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you so so much you have really helped me...


In 2019, I had to sleep in the same room as my younger sister, and she was watching videos at night. I went to sleep at 4AM to wake up at 6AM, and as an excellent student I ended up declining a lot, and I had problems with anxiety and depression.


Interesting video. I would have liked to know more about the relationship between the physiological changes due to lack of sleep and mood. For instance, does the increase in cortisol due to lack of sleep increase the risk of depression?


The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory,
forever and ever.

Amen Shalom.


No wonder I keep feeling numb and forgetting everything


I have had PTSD for 27 years I have nightmares every night and I have amnesia from a head injury I get hardly any sleep and have anxiety and depression so I guess I'm skrewed
