(Mis)understanding Nutri-Score

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SAFE - Safe Food Advocacy Europe launched in September 2022 the ‘Towards better FOPNL for consumers’ Campaign to raise awareness on the current lack of effectiveness of the European most used front-of-pack nutrition labelling.

While the European Commission is currently considering several types of front-of-pack nutrition labelling (FOPNL) to create a harmonised labelling system among all Member States, the Nutri-Score is among the options considered.

However, the Nutri-Score label presents different issues that would poses major concern for public health if it were to be chosen at the EU harmonised FOPNL system. SAFE is therefore advocating to promote the adoption of a better system to protect European consumers.
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I am currently in the NL and I was surprised when I saw that a juice I bought that literaly had on the back 80% strawberry 20 orange had a score of c on the nutrition score. Then later that day I bought a pack of Doritos Cool American and that had a nutrition score of B. We all basicaly know what the ingedients list looks like at the back of a pack of doritos, a ton of rapeseed oil, salt and MSG. So whats the point of this whole thing?


Olive oil has a lower rating than chips, this system is seriously flawed (by design) so to push people to eat more industrial food, less meat and possibly more food produced by food multinationals.


Thank you for the short explanation. Me and my wife suspected this since we saw that unprocessed coconut oil has a D score. I will share. ❤


When the most prossessed foods are having the lowest scores -_-


The main problem is 1: SATURAYED FATS ARE NOT UNHEALTHY 2 vegetables are not superfoods and as an example olives are rated c because all of the marinade is accounted for but you only eat like 10% of the total


Penalizing energy is the opposite of what you would do when loading fuel into a machine. Imagine if the Energ-y/-ia/-ie label was backwards. I see Lidl has the Nutri-Score on its store brand products. Somehow a jar of pickled beet in a sugar marinade is an A, despite having very little digestible material per 100g of mass (mostly water).


thank you for sharing this informations


Bought a pack of chips and a pack of salami,
The chips had a score of c
And the salami one of e

Seems to me they want us to stop eating meat.


I eat eco eggs, red meat and whole milk and I avoid unhealthy bread and low-fat milk and especially about toxic "vegetable oils"


So its useless and a waste of money lmao. who approves these garbage scams that waste funding?
